Campus Product Testing
Each tape on the diaper starts out as a blank slate. once the caretaker places their paws on the front tape the tape itself will take a set of fingerprints. the tape will only loosen when the owner of the fingerprints touch it a second time."
The dragon next-door
Jake had just moved into his new house a few weeks ago. It was located in a reputable and fairly quiet suburban area, and while it certainly was no mansion, it was a significant upgrade from the alligator's small apartment in the city. Sure, it was a...
The Fixer - Revenge Porn
"i made a sex tape with my boyfriend a few months ago. then when i broke up with him he posted it online." she almost expected it would take more words than that to explain her predicament, but there you go.
so the change starts. (my fictinal stoy of how i delt with abuse)
She secured the bottom left tape first then she tucked the right wing under him and then secure the bottom right tape in the same manner as the left tape.
Baron's Big Day
He lifted up a thicker bundle of tape, affixed with a rubber band. loosing it from its band and unfurling it revealed the tape to be nearly as long as the fox was tall.
Her eyes widened as his fingers left her rear, suddenly hearing another strip of tape being pulled from the roll, feeling the tape fastening her tail to her back.
Boys Will Be Boys
"four hour tapes," travis remarked, "i bet these are recordings of some of your dad's school sports events."
Brotherly Love
There was a box of tapes next to the set, and two furs fucking around on the screen. he watched the tape over takashi's form, temporarily forgetting what _he_ was doing...
Invasive Recruitment
With the ear plugged up the tape wrap continued, up to his chin then over the muzzle, anywhere that wasn't covered by that was soon coated in the self-adhering tape.
Late Night Rehearsal [18+]
He bit through the tape in one clean bite, then stood up straight and stretched his back with a grunt. "how's this?"
Then he needed to get the tape off him. twisting and pulling his wrists, he attempted to pull the tape apart. "mnggft!" soul strained and whimpered. it wasn't coming off! then he felt the tape give.
Bladder Test
I poked the right tape of my diaper and was surprised to see how tightly taped it was. felt like the plastic would give in before the tapes, not that it made me less worried. the need to pee was becoming more intense and i had to squirm.