S under D[Arc 5: The forgotten] Chapter 1
The lion soon surfaced right after ty did and just then the fox spirit who guided him to this point also appeared. "well done young ty, your escape has surely caught the attention of s under d and as well as exile. it is was a well-timed plan.
Games at Gotterdammerung
The fox-spirit rubbed her paws together gleefully. "and there's more! this isn't the only website." coyote turned the keyboard back to her, but she shook her head. "no, gramps, this one's only four letters. i think even you can manage that.
Inkei no Kami (God Of Cock)
He already knew she was a fox spirit though. the sudden donation to the shrine and its restored facilities came care of the mayor...after keiko had a little 'fun' with him a week prior.
Out Fox'd
"you should have shape shifted farther away from the castle grounds, fox spirit." kaida laughed lightly. "seen that, did you? you've excellent eyesight." "like a hawk.
Chapter One: The Deal Maker
Some kind of fox spirit creature that had tons of magical abilities. then his mind began working on something. "make a deal?" asked derek. "what kind of deal?" the fox grinned, showing all of his teeth.
Hawthorne University - Part III
Kip said enthusiastically, trying to lift the fox's spirits. he helped him up and grabbed rallo's bag to carry back to their dorm. "is it weird of me to say that i'm kind of used to seeing you in the suit? like, it'll be weird once you're out of it!"
The Benefits of Solo Travel
Many stories of fox spirits involved transforming into humans to trick unsuspecting townspeople. the messengers of inari were generally considered helpful, and it was not uncommon for people to make offerings to them to get in the good graces of inari.
Slave Trade - Stepping Out
Seeing the tiger use his arm to good effect raised the fox's spirits, "it looks like your arm's moving a little better today." his tail swished freely in acknowledgment. "guess that... um..."
Fox Fire Chapter 1
Standing at the foot his bed was none other than nashiri, the fox spirit who had gifted him the bell in a show of gratitude. nashiri was lean, and defined.
The Forest Spirit
"we are under a temple dedicated to fox spirits. i live here." she took off her kimono, allowing the silk to glide over her fur to the ground. her voluptuous body was a stunning eyeful for the traveler.
Briar Ch 7
While the vixen spirited the doe away, chattering happily with her, briar brought cadi over to the bar. "now, this isn't your _average_ bar, where people can only get the bug basic mixed drinks.
RH's Beastiary Compilation #1
Nogitsune, native to paramissium, these fox spirits are known as the source of all misery and misfortunate, their presence alone being considered bad luck.