The Night

**-------Authors Note-------** **Well, nearly there. Last chapter of my debut story, although I might write an epilogue, not sure though mainy because I have no idea what to put in it.** **Anyway, thank you to everyone who's been reading, rating...

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Other Options - Part 10 - Epilogue

That night of the carjacking and Mickey's beating and shooting was the worst night of my life. Luckily though, there were several customers in the parking lot of the restaurant who had reported that Mickey and I had been carjacked that the police had...

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Stripes & Spots

So, let me try and explain to everybody how this whole thing started. To start off with, my named is Joel Norton. I'm a twenty-one year old tiger who ran away from home right after I graduated. Don't feel bad for me, at all. The truth is I'd been...

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A Kitsune Vixen's Adventure, Ch. 8

And i thought about how excited he had been about the marriage, and how he had acted on the day i had told him i was pregnant, with suck joy. he was, i thought, the best thing that had ever happened to me.

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Akio's House (Part 6)

Deke's gravestone was brand new, marble white with black lettering spelling his name, and a quote underneath it. _'You were going you way, I was going mine.'_ Akio looked at it for a moment, then at me. 'I know that one,' I said. 'It was on that CD...

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Anniversary and Acceptance

For one couple their marriage has been one rather strange roller coaster ride. now into their seventh year of marriage, jeanette is slowly coming to terms with something that happened to her wonderful husband on their fifth wedding anniversary.

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A Marriage of Happiness: A Star Fox Wedding

X **a marriage of happiness** months later, the wedding for fox and krystal happened. this had been due to wanting it to be perfect. all of corneria had heard about this and there was much happiness and excitement in the air.

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A Long Awaited Marriage 1: The Planner

It's been an hour to finally put them together for the start of their marriage lives in fiction. of course, it's gonna be naughty, but really, are any of you surprised? heh.

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#28 - Intercourse With The Vampire

**_Romari Susi is a dirty old wolf, the emperor of a mighty nation, and the joint-CEO of a massive worldwide corporation; he's well respected, and is closeted from the rest of the world, though it's a poorly kept secret at best. He shares his bed...

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The Imperial Family: Building an Empire in a day

Six secret marriages were performed between high ranking shadow tribe and snow tribe. the snow tribe would never have agreed if they knew of all the marriages.

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A Dreamed-Of Peace 4

Tags: no sex, fantasy, series, eastern fantasy, reversal, marriage options, bickering, worldbuilding, badass, lion,

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Brian looked over at the fidgeting badger sitting next to him on the plane. He couldn't help but think back to the night when that badger asked him to marry him the week prior. He didn't look half as nervous then as he did now, which made Brian...

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