Shedding Season

"she's had three affairs in our entire married life, and i don't really count the first two as they were more or less one-off indiscretions that she quickly withdrew from.

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A Hero's Welcome

They had discussions about having kids before, but agreed to wait a few years to get settled into married life beforehand. plus, it also gave his parents a chance to adjust to him having elise as his wife.

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Chapter the Fifth: Youth

Riadne was adjusting fairly quickly if not awkwardly to married life, and likewise found herself elated beyond description at her father's decision to let them wed.

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The amber lion 3 (Feral lion M/human F smut, cock vore)

This was provided even though a professional would likely make her dress, for the talents of a seamstress were useful in married life.

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Tina's Story-Chapter 92 Wedding Bell Blues IV A Gray Muzzle Story-The revised edition

Shaking his head, koji agreed to the plan, wondering if this was what married life would be like. unfortunately, gladys kravitz was a great saleswoman. as a jewish grandmother, she could guilt anybody into anything. here, bubbie! youre like a rail!

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Leather Ballad Chapter 5: Betty

Has married life with harper been dry ever since the little ankle-biters came in?" "we've found what we like. and you'd be amazed at how much better it can be when you have to hold it off every now and then."

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A New Master

"i would have thought married life would keep you busy? bored without me already?" aileen gave a gratuitous eye roll, sighing. "no, of course not.

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Vulpan Sexuality Research

Males and females are allowed to bathe together here, though it is restricted to married couples for the reason that it promotes having a sexual partner in order to improve married life and helps to drive down divorce rates from couples that might not be as

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Wedding Bell Blues HTML experiment post

Shaking his head, koji agreed to the plan, wondering if this was what married life would be like. unfortunately, gladys kravitz was a great saleswoman. as a jewish grandmother, she could guilt anybody into anything. here, bubbie!

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Good Ol' Boys

To be honest, they hoped to be a bit further along in terms of careers, and certainly money, if not full-on married life.

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Chapter 21: Marcus

How's married life?" kei grinned when he saw their idea of being presentable. "it's beyond wonderful, cousin..." from their home in phoenix manor, fara immediately noticed the advanced state of krystal's pregnancy. "wow!

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