Topic: The Dark Self
The image of myself become this dark angel of death type of person leaving blood corpses lying, it scares me to the point of can't stand to look at myself. i don't want to be that "thing" and throw away my future.
If You Want To Love Me
If you want to love me You'll have to show me you're here for the long haul If you want to hold my love in your hands You'll have to prove to me that you won't throw it away If you want to have my trust You'll have to give me exactly the same you...
A Dragons fear A Riders Invitation.
Eragon and Saphira looked over the damage Nevre had caused, to say that they were pissed would be an understatement and Nevre was currently hiding behind one of the wings he had taken from Shruikan. "Now I know you're both angry, but look on the bright...
Bridging The Years and Confronting Fears
They group got two suites that were connected. The plan was to have the males in one room and the girls in the other. That was the plan. Edward's plan at least. Funny how life happenes. Maggie was full of questions for the master, and he in...
Face Your Worst Fear
Both know what their worst fear is, even if they haven't the courage to say it out loud.
Cry Of Fear: A New Start
Alone my whole life, for as long as i can remember, i don't know if i like it... or if i'm just used to it, but i do know this: being lonely does things to you, and feeling shit and bitter and angry all the time just...eats away at you a quote from cry of fear
Fear and Desire - Spirit of the Season
#6 of fear and desire well, i failed last year, but this year i've managed to put together a christmas short story.
Junior Year: Fears and Feelings
It made no sense, it was a terrible movie, but i'm still so scared by it. it didn't help that the hospital was on the top of a hill, with many dead trees... and in the middle of no where... whose bright idea was that?
Chapter 1 - Fear of Murder
I am paralyzed by complete fear. fear from what though.
Speech 4. The Fear Of Dying
But a fear that is impossible to crush, a fear that has been living on through thousands of years, is the fear of dying. one by one, one after another, people will always continue to perish.
Ellen Chapter 5: A Fear
They'd been living in it since 3rd year of college, moving out of their dorm since one time ellen saw a rat and got scared.
2:14 The Essence of Fear
#14 of the underground part 2: pitch black pitch black _is the second arc of the underground series_ _chapter 14 of 22_ the essence of fear _could i ever say these things to you? would you care even if i could?