Feral Protection Racket
"we've taken tribute from you before, but never before has your tribute to us behaved in such a manner. as such, she'll be staying with us, and you will receive a whole eight seasons free from needing to give us tribute again."
Not Quite Home
**NOT QUITE HOME** _Killing comes so easily to my kind. To us predators. It's like... a muscle reflex. Unthinking. Natural. As simple as the flow of the river._ _So why can't I do this? Why can't I do what was so easy? End a life?_ ...
The Green Monster
"a tribute," he said, staring at the two remaining dragons with his inky black eyes.
Of Mice: Forager's Find
Now i wonder though, do you understand what i meant by tribute?" ticca blinked, "i...i thought you meant a gift..." grark snorted, "it is a common tease. if you are truly sorry....come give me tribute, as in, come worship me."
[TF] Perfect Chord
The ancestral tribute of the sy' roa had begun~
Chapter 3
Also, under my rules, the parents of the district 12 tributes, should they be those of katniss everdeen and peeta mellark, should also compete, for a personal reason.
The Acolyte of Dul-Måt
"tell me how you feel, tribute." "relaxed...empty...obedient." "well done, tribute. now you will be rewarded." i reached over and started to unbutton patrick's shirt, exposing his chest.
Grand Duel Academy: Tournament: Shimmer 1
By tributing her, i can special summon a madolche to the field from my deck. i tribute her to summon madolche hootcake. the angel gives a prayer, as she flies up, the owl flying in to take her place.
Hard Negotiations
Her father had thought it prudent to pay the encroaching barbarians their tribute before they made good on their threat to pillage more than just the surrounding countryside.
Tattooed Love Boys
The other tributes are uncertain, but this one knows. you can see it in his face, just as i can. they'll all come to see it, soon enough."
Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes--Chapter2
And tribute it to special summon infernity necromancer (lv/3 atk/0 def/2000) and archfiend (lv/4 atk/1800 def/1200) from the grave." since archfiend was special summoned he was able to add infernity launcher to his hand.
Battle For The Bronze
His red-eyes returned in defence mode, "then, i tribute him to summon darkness dragon (atk/3600 def/2000)" black flames shot down from the ceiling and his dragon appeared, "attack his monster." smith's attack landed.