Red Sector A
The people of the many countries who have fallen to the aliens brought their religions with them but it seems our prayers are as nothing before these unwelcome invaders.
Coffee Beans ch2
My mind was ablaze with thoughts, some of which were very unwelcome. "ugh, what are you doing, you're not gay of course you're not, are you? no! oh god make it stop!" i decided to leave, clear my head for a while you know?
Bloodwhisker: Chapter 1 ~A New beggining~
The tiger shouted out to him,"dont you dare, leave the safety of earth, to hells cold, and unwelcoming grasp, before i get my paws around your throat again...!!!!" as he was finishing his command, the heli began to ascend, and fly away.
Cologne Hinder Ch 2
Call simply 'deer' \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ arising from the sweet slumber that beheld me, i noticed a sensation, alarming but not altogether unwelcome
Day 8) Sudden
Delta was snug in his bed and about to go to sleep, that was all until he had an unwelcome visitor in his home. elta snuggled into his blanket and yawned loudly.
Cataclysm - #1
This new unwelcoming solitude was dominating in such an alien landscape. they were possibly the only thing within a vast radius around them that breathed or made sound.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Thirty Two
I gasped in relief, feeling the unwelcome consciousness leak out of my skull like air from a tire. then exhaustion swept over me, and i laid my head down on the floor. "you can let her go, boys," grandpa teddy said, sounding just as tired as i felt.
Play with Me Part 1
The sound of a loud beep heralds a most unwelcome sensation. the little nub taped to her sex begins to buzz, making arya lurch forward, hands desperately trying to pry the tape free from her scales, but to no avail.
Rescued by an Angel.
She held me close and started walking slowly with my wrapped in her soft warm arms with her tail on my as a blanket from the unwelcome cold. ''i'm going to take care of you.''
Will of the Alpha 3 - Lucid Daydream
Shell heard an unwelcome whine in his own voice. "someone here has to know how to find lucid!" the woman looked him over and shrugged before turning around and walking away. he'd felt so close... and then nothing!
Ch. 1 So Troublesome
Don't get me wrong i may look fragile but i can hold my own, studying martial arts since i was only 5 years old has really paid off in the long run with bullies and unwelcomed guests that couldn't take the hint of not having my interest.
Zombiology - Raccoon
With all the speed afforded to his over-sized body, he tried to rush at the unwelcome visitor, growling furiously until his growl transformed into a startled squeak of surprise. he was stuck!