Bound by Destiny 23

azura took the hatchling and smiled as jigo walked out the door. alex smiled happily before taking a seat as yang and yin moved in closely to him, hugging his sides happily while crying.

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Birthday treats

There was a clattering as azura and kuicyas rolled in two carts full of empty glass bottles and battered pots and pans. azura panted slightly. "as requested, every bottle and old kitchenware from the restaurant."

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Journeys of Time 6

Technology surpassing even that of sasha's expansive mind, medical archives that make azura all eager to read and weapons that made janch drool like a dog seeing a juicy steak.

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The Missing Lynx, Part VIII

He shifted his posture, black shadow-stuff practically dripping from his robed form as he gestured toward the azura with his spellstaff.

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Journeys of Time 4

That night, azura and peridot worked their best to heal up six injured patients, leaving one of them still wrapped up at the request of zinava herself. they did not ask her why, neither did she tell them.

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Hlaalu and Rynandor

'azura guide us!' she exclaimed fearfully 'now, young lady, you know my story, i think it only fair that i know yours. i am most intrigued as to why you only refer to yourself as "hlaalu" for example.' 'ok, that's fair i suppose.

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The Missing Lynx, Part V

She knew that azura would almost literally drag her feet, so that left the necromancer with some time to kill. her eyes flickered shut, her chest stilled as she ceased to breath.

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Interstellar Dissonance: “Elements”

._ _working together, these races would eventually found __the azuran_ _galactic__ alliance, a cooperative of planets, it's_ _capitol located__in the then-neutral system called azura, hosting no native intelligent life._ _eventually other worlds were brought

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The legend of a warrior; Epilogue - Towards Eternity

Ira and azura had been happy together, and had loved each other dearly, but they had been separated way too soon, when thanathos, the most capable and promising of azura's pupils, had betrayed her and stabbed requiem into her back.

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