Heraclitan Bird-Songs

By savage river hid from land absurd, it made its rest in thorny nest believing rewards of love were never its achieving; deservèd of the judgement for its word.

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Prologue: Birth of Judgement

We both knew one of them would be born with this" hayla said with bated breath, drawing air slowly to attempt to stay alive as long as she can "by the eternals...you are our judgement."

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Trial Turnaround

Prosecutor, please carry out their judgement by cockvore!" "with pleasure, your honor!" tris said, looking over at the defense side of the courtroom.

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Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 11 - The Culling of Chentrilla (Revised Edition)

The beast that was to devour the world on judgement day, the mother of all dragon life on terra and formidable myth to say the least. only that it was not a myth. she was real?

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 4 - Reborn Anew -

Face my righteous judgement fiend!!!!!!!" james shouted, charging from the light. the fiend charged towards james, but was overcome with terror at what he saw. "meet your end...."

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 11

We are more like judgement for the bestial breed." "judgement?" i repeated looking confused. "it means that if we believe what your doing is harmful toward us and our kind, then we will deal with you."

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Immortals: Chapter 2, Judgement

And normally it deflects everything around it but if you have several in one location the results can be very devastating and by the looks of it, we will soon have a repeat of the judgement project."

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The Helpline Chapter 7

And i have passed judgement upon you. and that judgement, is guilty. 9:55 pm paulyd69 - guilty the hell is that thing?

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Up in judgement, thrum stroked his beard as azrael moved a chesspiece across the board. "checkmate."

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Night thoughts - .2 - Because why not

Forgive my repetition i do so, so easily without inhibition i tend to lend too much of an answer with no personal connection holding close only a moment open to reasonable reflection despite what i write, i shake still when the emotions overcome better judgement

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A Fiery Desire

Domen kurnon was one of the names used by an ancient civilazation which was used as the grim reaper, a figure of perfect judgement. judging souls and then throwing them either into hell or heaven, the perfect figure of the last and final justice.

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Duty Chapter 9

You though, you just threw the judgment of the great thief upon him as if he slaughtered hundreds in the square just below. how can you do such a thing you gods damned ignorant-" "cellista!"

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