UOPI. Chapter 3 page 11.
I moaned softly as his paw lightly squeezed my knott forcing me to leak more pre.
I'll make you love me... Short Part II
Causing her to leak pre from her tip and intensify her pleasure gropes and sucks on alice with a growl. seemingly the pet just wanted to make sure she was nice and hard first, feeling the cock twitch and leak in her admiring paws.
Darrel the Counselor: 4
A hand on kane's plump ass and another on his leaking cock and swelling balls, darrel kept on pumping hard till he came up kane's rear.
A Breeder's Foxy Harem
In his mind infernape envisioned mira with a small chimchar suckling on her milk-leaking tits while he plowed her from below in her bed.
Gathered Around the Fire(-Type)
His cock could be seen dripping heavily, leaking out so much tasty milk. gordie called and like an obedient pet he pulled from the freshly licked passage. "beau's leaking a lot here and it would be a shame to let it all go to waste."
Needed Release (Feat: Jasper)
.~" he says while laying down on the floor, his barbed cock throbbing frequently as it leaked copious amounts of precum on his soft purple hoodie he was wearing while scrolling through various yiff websites perving at all the vids of 'mons jerking off and
Mojo of a Warlord
A steady stream of precum leaks from the tip of his length, much to the goblin's amusement. _"so virile... i wonder how much i can make off of your seed...
Helping Out
As buijay kept stroking the buizel's leaking shaft he gently began thrusting inside his hand as he pawed him off. "hehe getting a little frisky there buizie?
Female On Male Tickle Rape: Helios Eusebio
His dick starts to get ready for a pre cum leak as she continues. ''ohohohohohohhahahahahahahahahahaha...... ohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....''
Hotel Peeks - Cow Udder Vore
Fresh milk is already leaking out onto your face, and you can practically hear the sloshing of it inside the churning sac inches away from you.
The Foreigner (Part One)
He chuckled, his thick meat throbbing in the warm air below, his tip sharp leaking pre as well as he pushed teasingly against the dragons rear down along his own erect shaft. "rrrr..." cornel groaned softly, "fuck me ... please...
Fantasy to reality
As he does so while pre leaks out of his cock and on to his face.