Finding A Daddy
I message will about 7pm inviting him out for dinner on friday, and he messages me right back accepting dinner at 8pm at the restaurant i picked. he seems nice but sounded a bit surprised i returned his message.
Red and Blake (8)
While i wait for marlin to show i take my phone from the holder and check my messages, one of the messages is from marlin and so i just quickly check to make sure that we are still on for today, the next message is from red.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 53: Let Us Meet Again
He expanded a notification from whatsup and read the messages. _kevin huntington replied to your message: "guess santa was too busy last night_ _!
Voice Mail
_you have six new messages. first new message, sent friday, april 22nd at 6:05 pm:_ "hey. hi there. this is alden, the otter from the other night. i... you remember, i'm sure. we had a couple drinks and... yeah. you remember.
Bored Dragons Are Perverted Dragons
Unlocking his smart phone and switching it to silent, the dragon sifted through the messages until he found the new one, a familiar red face staring right back at him.
Nona: Chapter One: Kit Kat
"sixteen messages from daniel forester" the hologram said but it was a male teenager in a nonaian accent. "read messages" katelyne said. "message one: hey katelyne, how's it going? message two: katelyne is everything all right?
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 17: Flowering
There was another message from kevin followed by another photo. the message said, _"im lonely dx"_ angry, he tapped on the reply button on the notification and typed, _"kevin, stop that.
Ashla Anal
He must have been waiting for her messages judging by the speed of his reply. "you did not tell me it would scare me witless the first time." she messaged him and simply laid out on the floor to rest.
Part XIII - His Curse on the Fairest Joys
There were messages from will, and messages from the mechanics union (muted,) and the messages from his father. but the only unread messages were from someone named 'jenna.' \> you need to know about this.
Trying new things
Almost as if on cue, my phone buzzes in my paws with a new message. i nearly jump off the seat in excitement when i see that it's an unread message from the app.
Fun in the Forest
_ trisha messaged back. _"duck and roll!"_ she giggled at her message to her painted dog and returned to serving drinks. a nagging thought was in the back of her mind, however.
The Beast in the Mirror
My phone began to vibrate again, i check my messages and see that it's a message from my friend hiero, a large hyena i met in high school. hiero was going out to a club and was wondering if i could come with him.