Colin And Celene
pixies, like in the hearth-fire stories she had listened to as a little girl! the pixies swirled in a small cloud around colin. celene heard soft girlish giggles and barely-heard whispers of pixie voices.
Your Dog Is Now Your Master, Rabbit
pixie giggled and put a hand to her cheek, "oh my!" belle got a little chuckle out of it herself, "alright. i would love to stay but i got to get these two home." geffa, pixie, and bugsy waved them out.
Only Open Relationships in the Animal Kingdom-- CLEAN
Randal saw a familiar face: elias the ferret boy that lived in the house beside his (pixie's). he was standing around with some other zoomans, his roommates. their master was not around that afternoon.
Spirit Bound: Chapter Sixty-Four
Faelen shrugged, "sounds like a pixie of some sort." he pointed ahead of them and deeper into the forest, "it came from that way, toward the faerie ring."
It's Always Time - Chapter Eight: A Way so Familiar
pixie stix hooked her feet into a loop of chain and dove headfirst for ursula's foot. "lemme at her!" > > pixie stix dug doll-sized fingers into the sole of her foot for purchase and gnawed on the goth girl's ticklish toes.
Revisited Tribadists' Passions: The Story
The tigress sat down on her couch, commenting to her student in her irish-sounding accent, "nice job on training today, nixie-pixie", as jori would sometimes call her oldest friend. "ya nearly hit me a few of those times".
Sorcery.Net: Into AltWorlds
The tiny cat-pixie squeaked, her already high pitched voice made almost ridiculously so by the change in size.
Furry Fan Interviews #13: FIESTA interviews ITCHY from ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN
We learn that cobwebs happen, trapdoors lead to dark shafts, that silver can't have pixi stix, and much more! is kataze really magic? and what is a "bippy"?
Rudolph’s secret
Days later they got married and asasol was the best elf or now he was pixie and a proud one at that. dancer, vixen, prancer and cupid preformed a pretty erotic dance to hyuna's bobble pop and ice cream songs.
Only Open Relationships in the Animal Kingdom
The lightswitch was on the wall and when brandy flicked it, the basement was shown to be quite empty, much like the basement back at pixie's house. the stone floor was cool on brandy's bare feet.
Your Dog Is Now Your Master, Rabbit (DIRTY)
pixie grinned, "how's it going, dog?" belle chuckled, "taking my pets out for a walk." she said, "yourself?" pixie scritched her neck, "my pets, well- the one's that are in town- they are busy getting... busy." she looked around the horizon.
Little Red Wolf Original - 07
The pixie agreed that scarlett had a good shot at becoming the pack's alpha female. what would she actually have to do to make her plan work, though? could she go through with it?