The Yiffing Game
razor chuckled and replied: "as long as you don't tell your mom" "i won't, i promise." "good boy."
Part 9 - Morning Love Disturbed
I cried._ "_it's going to be ok, razor, don't worry." mom said._ "_yea, don't worry, mom and dad are here for you razor." dad said._ "_daddy! mommy!"
Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - A Pokephile's Merry Christmas
razor asked the gardevoir. "he'll be just fine, razor," responded livia. "i can sense his mental state with my powers. i'm certain he can handle us going through a battle."
The Doctors of Doom, Part Nine
As razor staggered towards him, t-bone grabbed razor's wrist with his free hand. "come on!" "i am, i am!" with his free hand, razor aimed at street's face and fired mini cement slugs. "eat cement, bugface!" splat! "blaaaghhhhh!"
A wanted man part 2
razor left the room and walked down the now dark hallway. james waited in the room for razor to return, listening intently.
Post-surgery Pleasures
Struggling to catch her breath, she looked over at razor and smiled happily as she craned her neck forwards and gave him one last quick kiss on the nose; razor himself giving her a subtle lick across her neck.
The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Six
razor was lucky he hadn't broken his neck. he offered him his hand, which razor took, and he hauled his friend to his feet.
Snakes Never Eat Dragons
That is of course until razor ruined his good time... razor slammed into his at a speed unimaginable he was instantly thrown off and out of the young female snake and hit head on into a tree.
Pokephilia Story - A Froggy Merry Christmas (Everyone)
"yes, razor, my lover," said sariah happily. she said the magic words for her release, and so razor began unstrapping her from the rig.
SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 11
T-bone said quickly as he helped move the gurney to the jet as razor opened the cargo hold. feral was rolled in and razor cinched the gurney into floor cleats to hold it steady. the medics took jump seats razor had pulled down.
A Snake And a Dragon
razor began to leak a massive amount of pre-cum into her warn, eager vent. soon they started their climax, as venoma screamed for razor to keep going. he had no intention of stopping...
Caught in the Act - July Rule 34 Story #2
"razor, have you considered joining our armada? we could use a pilot with your skill!" "sorry fox." razor said with a wink. "i got plenty of stuff to worry about in megakat city. but i appreciate the offer."