Seasonal Quests
The cervine cleric scrolled down the list of dungeons, all the way to the bottom, where the seasonal bonus quests resided.
Out of Season
Even outside of season." "says ms. winks-a-lot!" jamie countered, grinning at his now-sputtering sister. "you may as well be popping stiffies with how often you flick open. also out of season. what's your excuse?"
Seasonal Changes
seasonal changes f/solo (c) cederwyn whitefurr 31st august, 2017 all rights reserved.
Shedding Season
The beagle loaded the washer with an economy of motion foreign even to most seasoned housekeepers. "i finally found a buyer for the shed."
Season of the Vampire
It was Halloween night. The laughter of children, teenagers and adults filling the night sky as they go trick-or-treating, or partying the night away. A night filled with scares, haunts, fun, and laughter. But, tonight, things were about to change. A...
The Season of Giving
. :3 **the season of giving** riddle knew from the second that tarin handed him this particular gift that something was up. the winged wolf could be calm and quiet when necessary.
Mating Season
Nearing the end of mating season and xia has resisted the urge to mate with her partner cipher.
Tis the Season
It was strange, as if the wind had shifted slightly... just ever so slightly. Dusty felt it, perhaps many a female had felt it... but the end result was the same; a heat cycle. Dusty felt her body heat escalate, she needed to get out... but if she...
Rutting Season
"i love rutting season - " kendra panted, then winced as her fawn gave another sharp, brutal kick. "don't worry little one - " kendra whispered, as she gently stroked her swollen belly.
The Days and the Seasons
I'm hoping to get back to writing soon....toying with ideas on a story involving dad foxes, rimming, and wine =) # the days and the seasons # on a misty grey morning in late march, 1793, judoc guiscard, a vendéan peasant fox, was recipient of a letter
Tis The Season
#3 of tis the season holly awakens, to feel herself dehydrated and desperate for a drink - but for some strange reason, her muscles refuse to obey her commands... tis the season chapter three 8th july, 2019 all rights reserved.
Tis the Season
#2 of tis the season holly and cameron, two young mule deer anthromorphs, madly in love, wake after hours of passionate lovemaking before the fireplace on christmas morning.