Dancing Magic - Quaquaval TF
shade's always learning new things, but with things that are immediately new, a little more practice might be needed to be 100% accurate :p shade (c) myselfconcept (c) ivanksdesign (c) quaquaval (c) pokémon/nintendo posted using postybirb "ok..."
Feathered Ambitions - Arakkoa TFs
"i'm shade, if that jogs any of your memories." "shade..." the name was indeed familiar - he had spent many a night talking to her about his hobbies, dreams, as well as a lot of random stuff and shared interests.
Chapter 1: Cursing librarians and Squeaking raccoons
But since this door, and by extension the house the door was connected to, was in the residence of hollow shades, a small, dark town, in the central part of, by itself unusual, equestria, the time of day, which was eight o'clock in the afternoon, was quite
In From The Cold - Cinderace TF
Dusk commented, looking back at shade as she steadied herself. "that he is..." shade responded, watching the man get back to his feet.
Weregryphon In Rut - Shade Gryphon TF
shade?" "shade... i love it!" skye beamed, watching as a pair of great, feathery wings erupted outwards from shade's back, scattering feathers everywhere.
Kaiju Crunch - Taranth Kaiju Sergal TF
shade" chris smirked to himself at that last part - he knew that shade was always one to plan things through, even if it took her a while, the eventual build-up would be worth it.
Kaiju Loving - Kaiju TFs
Of course, shade would have easily fixed it, but it would easily spoil the overall experience.
A Well-Earned Break - Gryphon and Chocobotaur TFs
Their changes complete, shade and johnny were now a chocobotaur and a feral gryphon, respectively. "h..heh... can't say i have, no... even when i'm atop you!" he grunted, clawing at the ground as shade picked up in speed.
Hybrid Hijinks - Luxray/Staraptor Gryphon TF
The changing man huffed, having heard a bit about shade, but how often she changed people was subject to a lot of rumors.
Mao's Feathery Isekai - Owlbear TF
shade frowned. "i don't even think my mao moaned this much as i turned him!" "and you're telling me this why...?" he cocked his head, the feathers growing over his shoulders, a darker shade of grey.
A 'Legendary' Hero - Anthro Sirfetch'd TF
A voice all too familiar to shade called out. "hoo boy..." shade paused, the two turning to face the humanoid bat who had stumbled in through a portal outside of the temple. "talk about a moment killer!" she whispered to peter.
A Special Gift - Herm Gryphon and Dragon TFs
"how about you call me shade from now on?" "shade? now you've got me wondering if you'll be magical as well!"