Island Vacation
The web lingering with the musky scent of the male spider taur, causing his erection to throb against the air, before being wrapped on its own by warm spider silk.
Hungry for Love (vore story)
What kind of spider are you? it didn't say on your hungryluv profile." he crossed his top arms. "i'm a regal jumping spider. from your expression, i assume that you've never been with a spider before." she shook her head.
Draconicon's R34 Harem 6: Lizard Bait
spider-man. spider-lizard now, as you can see," he said, gesturing once more at the naked, green-scaled reptile in the middle of the roof. spider-lizard was raising his tail, straining to push his ass up in his bindings.
Beneath the Mistlebells 6
One of the spiders darted a little too close, and she lashed out with an outstretched paw, her palm hitting the spider, who couldn't dart away fast enough.
Slave Camp - Lessons
The spider directed each of the newcomers to one of the foxes' classmates.
Kioga: Diaplomacy 8 - The Black Widower
The spider paused, and for lack of eyelids he craned his neck.
Gorthorn: Chapter 6: Reality Shift
I didn't mean to- wing-" spiders thought of themselves as expendable.
Demon Castle Digitalpotato - the Latex Spider
It was a rather large looking spider, somewhat tauric with four 'arms' and four 'legs'. but in that stance s/he was coming down from, it looked just like a giant spider. "oh, darn you cut up my web." the spider said in a feminine voice.
Gorthorn: Chapter 9: Difficult Cases
Though it was usually a safe bet the spider wasn't, occasionally, the king had trouble working out whether the spider meant to challenge him on something or not.
An Ultimate Nexus Experience (2/14)
"i just... wasn't expecting to hear that you have such a thing as rubber spider minions... are they like normal spiders or spider people?" "we have a few of both," renzyl replied.
Forging Bonds-Chapter 7: Eight Legged Freaks
It was breeding season for a creature that lived near akuvöllur, the hawk spider. typically, the spiders kept to themselves.
Moroneae Domesticus
Foreward: spiders are just little pests . . . unless you work with a bunch of idiots. an absolutely absurd comedy piece, inspired by monty python, cartoons, and my own debilitating fear of spiders.