Two Halves: Fun With Magic Potions

Two halves fun with magic potions by von krieger sithia hummed softly to herself as she walked up the path towards the house she shared with shir.

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Fluffy Christmas

There in the town's road were other elves scrambling around, scared about the spazzing magic potion; no one wanting to be hit by it.

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Adrian and Rex 3

This ain't some magic potion or nothing," rex says, grabbing the cork in his teeth and yanking it free. he spits it aside and tilts the bottle's contents down, letting the warm, thick liquid glug out of its container and down adrian's crack.

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Videolog 1-1

This pill isn't some magic potion that makes you gain muscle mass and shed fat just by taking it.

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Love Potion: The Mistake (CYOA)

She didn't need the magical potion to know that he was thinking of tiffany lamps. time to get this grave-robber to leave. lucja stepped in front of him and said, "i know the value of my items here."

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Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Forty Six

Chemicals... they're the real magic potions. give someone just the right combination, and they won't just turn into your puppets, they'll beg you to keep it that way!" something toke's father had said came back to him.

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Clans of the Masquerade: Prt 2

The tremere were not naturally created vampires, but rather they were once mages of the hermetic order who used magical potions to extend their lives.


Shattered Shards: Myshelle's Medicine I

Put a little magical focus into a few things smuggled out of a hospital and you have some interesting magical potions."

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Slutcat and Sworddog #16

And give me some of those magic potions too." "oh! a mage are you? certainly! how many?" "four of those too. yeah, i'm learning anyway." "you should go to the college in winterhold. they teach mages up there." "oh? i might just have to do so!"

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Chocobo Macro Raiding Party

Thanks to oswald and magni, we made a growing magic potion that we use sometimes to deal with some jobs or to deal with people that dare to be a menace to us.

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Milky White Mare

Dalia wasn't sure she entirely believed in magic, even though she had seen some unexplainable things in her life, but just for fun had purchased one of the sex magic potions.

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 10

I work with magic potions, enchantments, and such." "oh. that's interesting." "i'll go get something. just wait here and make yourself comfortable." he walked to a winding ramp that led to a basement.

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