Snow Bound

                We've talked about some of the stranger animals, but how about the most beautiful? That might put me on the spot, because so many animals are lovely in their own right. Thus it then boils down to the eye of the beholder. That would be...

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Snow Bound

Tyberius and Sasha trudged through fresh, deep, powdery snow. His claws left gentle marks in a tree as he broke through dead branches that blocked their path. Looking behind, he saw his wolfess friend following in his steps, his legs leaving trails...

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Snow Bound, Day Two

                For those of you too lazy to figure out the year, it was nineteen seventy eight. It was one hell of a howler, and while I had someone to keep me warm under the covers, the raging blizzard pretty much covered over everything in a blanket...

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If you Go Down To the Woods Today...

If You Go Down To the Woods Today.... Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th February, 2012 All Rights Reserved. Kalen stood, as naked as the day he had been born, feeling the warmth of the fireplace before him, lightly toasting his body from...

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Saved by a Monster

The full moon shone bright above, casting long dark shadows in the snow bound forest around me. i pulled my coat closer, wishing i'd brought my compass. i hadn't expected to get lost on my short trek to clear my head.

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"Balto" The hero, The legend, and The RAPIST part 1

She layed there in the snow, bound in chains, and vulnerable. "who are you?," asked balto, confused about what he just witnessed . he saw how vulnerable she was . it was like the god's had answered his prayers.

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He continued walking, champing through the snow-bound terrain, picking his feet up above the pack as his breath rose in front of his face in a thick, white mist; one foot, and then the other, and the other, and on, and on autonomously, all the while feeling

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Black Project Files Chapter 1 (edited)

When joeseph slithered out from the snow bound streets waiting for another blizzard to hit in the next three months, joeseph was not greeted by the same man-wolf check clerk at the lobby ,but a new man in town. a human about 22 years of age.

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Black Project Files Chapter 1

. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- january 25, 1916 at the wheaton and hallis hotel: when joeseph slithered out from the snow bound streets waiting for another blizzard to

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D is really for...

Shirt pulling itself taught around this mound just as the head and face formed, chilly blue eyes befalling our snow bound feline. "well hello and welcome to my shop! i'm monty, owner and proprietor of all things body mods. how can i help you?"

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Lost and Found Pt.3

Sometime in the night the thugs attacked and drug them out into the snow, tied tightly and unable to move, they cold only struggle and growl. : a foot kicked savagely across parkers face. nearly making him black out.

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Coyote and the Wolf, part 5

He was about to resist when he saw ku'o and snow bound naked to the skinning racks. slumping his shoulders in defeat, he allowed himself to be pushed into the clearing.

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