Saebian: chapter 1 (revised)

Saebian Written by: Michael Chapter 1: New Friends, New feelings He pulled the hood tighter around his face so as to hide it from all that may see him and possibly recognize him, Xan; a gray wolf who had a secret that, he knew, no one must...

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chatper 8: Choices

i doubt this is any better than my last, too many life issues blocking freedom to write. but here's next addition. expect the next to be as last as this one for same reason plus a story request in the works. Crest woke with a strange new strength...

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An Even Later Night At Michaels

WEll this is the continuation of my last story, so the prologue won't make much sense unless you read that. Everything that could be real in it is, I really do work at that resturant and the the waitor really does look like a mouse; Andrew is really...

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Alex's Turn

this chapter takes place in the same time frame as the end of last chapter. it's also focused on Alex and his fun with vore and cock vore. so if you're not into that or something don't read. i think this isn't my best chapter though but i hope you'd...

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Ascepting and Meeting

yay my story isn't short and i hope this is the best^^ Chapter 6: moving on The sun rose above the treetops to another day. Its warmth shined on two canines lying in the middle of a forested road. Different sets of armor were scattered...

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Revenge or Blind Torment?

try not to read if you don't like transformation or rape, other-wise try and enjoy one of the sadder chapters in the story. chapter,5: Revenge or Blind Torment? Morning engulfed the castle by surprise. Clat grumbled in the priest's patent room in...

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Mending and Connecting

chapter4: Mending and Connecting A wolf and fox walked in a barrack's storage room. Crest found a barrel and slouched on it sighing with regret of what happened at the consul. "I feel terrible of how I treated Clat." The wolf spoke. "Why? The...

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Gods, Actors, and Difference

Chapter 3: Gods, Actors, and Difference Sunlight filtered through a room, first revealing two idols on a nightstand then a bed. Two canines slept in the bed. Both were young males, one a fox, and the other, a wolf. The wolf woke up first with a...

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Looking Both Ways

Alex woke to taping at his door. Grumbling like his mother woke him he slipped out of bed. He answered the door to a surprised fellow knight. "Yes?" The fox asked rubbing an eye. "Um, some locals found an abandoned temple a day's paces away." The...

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Holding Back

This will be a short series or a longish one with lots of short chapters. But this is a story that **\*will\*** be continued+edited unlike my others, if still short. Enjoy the first chapter/intro^^ _Prince Here, Action Where_ _Holding...

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Minotaur and prince

A fractured fairy tale my Michael Crest. i worked more this and i hope it'll be better than my first story on yiffstar. note: not on keywords-\> sleep yiffing Written from an essay of Greek mythology of the Minotaur, came this twisted story...

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Late Night at Rose's

WARNING: If your not 18 you should not read this, you know the drill!!! Anywhos this i my first story, so please leave your comments. Both characters are mine and the panty plot device is used wit permission from Commander A. I would also like...

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