Porters of the Duat - A Thursday Prompt

He knocked his paw against the sarcophagus, banging it like a drum. the cover of the sarcophagus fell open and slammed into the bow, causing the whole ship to tip forward. the mummy of the pharaoh careened to the deck with a sickening thud.

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That's a Wrap!

The sarcophagus was lying there on a table, still slightly dirty from when it was dug out and hadn't been cleaned entirely.

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Temple of the Lost

Anubis suddenly turned his attention back to the sarcophagus that he was hovering over as his hands felt the beak of the new female press against them, latex feathers forming under the lid of the sarcophagus as his changing body matched his mind.

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Deus Ex Inferni V: The Third Age

"enough to fill the sarcophagus." they said. jessica, aedan and jennifer had fallen asleep on the cushions. inside the sarcophagus, alastor lay. four and a half billion years he had been trapped in this accursed tomb.

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The Eternal Emperor

There, the energies of the waters, sweet and salty alike, were focused into the emperor as he slept inside his sapphire sarcophagus.

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Snuff Machine (a fragment)

A cable was threaded from the ring to a steel loop in the floor, and from there through a second small hole in the back wall of the sarcophagus.

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Disturbing the Mummy's Tomb

Without warning, one of the anthros outside the sarcophagus must've tried another switch. kyran bit hard into the silicone gag as he grunted and groaned.

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Steel and the Mummy

Steel observed closely as the lid of the sarcophagus opened. just as the man described, a mummified woman slowly crawled out.

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Rendezvous In The Tomb

'here,' the fox pulled slowly away from him and sat on the sarcophagus, wrapping her tail over her lap to conceal her womanhood. 'mate me, amenti.'

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The Oasis

The sunlight, the power of ra, falling on his sarcophagus was the signal to awake.

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