Spelunking with Athrilla
When I received communication from Athrilla, I was most intrigued by her proposition. She had discovered a hitherto unmapped passage under the kobold holdings that pointed to a constructed work that was evidently the remains of a previous civilization....
Spelunking Treasure
Trudging down a long beaten dirt road, three adventures were on their way home from exploring a nearby settlement ruins on a rumor that hidden treasure was locked inside. Days of exploring through the shattered village, the group's moral was running...
Welcome to New Mexico - Carlsbad Caverns
Niela, a short curvaceous panther, and Jason, a tall and skinny genet with leopard fur, arrived in Carlsbad at noon. The sun was hot on the landscape and the heat distorted the view close to the road. They were driving south until a fork in the highway...
Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 4
_Disclaimer: Again, yeah, I dun own nuthin'!_ _Any way, by now, I'm expecting a lot of you, like myself, to have thoroughly enjoyed a lot of the recent offerings of Koopa-related goodness, in the form of_ **Super Bowser RPG** _(the REAL...
Nostalgia of a Dragon
He shrugged and walked farther into the cave, figuring that some spelunking would be entertaining while he waited out the rain. the cave was deeper than it had appeared from the outside and he soon had lost sight of the entrance.
Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 2
._ _as always, the setting/scenario pertaining to "roommates" was put together by spelunker sal and dreamous._ _oh, and i forgot to mention this last time, but yeah...since this work is related to "roommates", the same type of content can be expected
Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 1
The original "roommates" comic, and accompanying scenario, are the property of the ones known far and wide as spelunker sal and dreamous.
Acalica -- Cavern Secrets
In this case, it's a sexy male fox with a spelunking hobby. thanks for reading.
A Mender's Surrender
He asked, his mouth full and voice only sending a vibration along the spelunker's indigo shaft.
Chapter 60: The Spelunkers.
**eddies** **chapter 60: the spelunkers.** **disclaimer: all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. the original characters and plot are the property of the author.
"Spelunking Gone Wrong"
**spelunking gone wrong - story by kaz** **chapter 1: in over his head** the dragon stopped to catch his breath, standing atop a sharp cliff-like hill.
Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 3
_ _as always, the setting/scenario pertaining to "roommates" was put together by spelunker sal and dreamous. this side-story, however, is my labor of love!