Eli frowned at the canvas. It was blank. He should be working on his latest color study, but the art wasn't flowing as well as he'd have liked. The pressure of the upcoming auction wasn't what was getting him, which was odd in itself. Vincent seemed...
Beau's Trepidation
This is beau's trepidation. characters and plot are © to me samantha was pissed, and she was on a rampage. i was tucked away, hidden in the kitchen as i stooped over our toaster that was well past the date where it belonged in the trash.
A Tale of Grass & Fire Chapter 8: Trepidation
This story is implemented with a skip feature. Use CTRL + F and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * Quilava cracked open her eyes slowly, being greeted by a blinding whitish yellow glare...
Verses to Auran
I feel my fingers twitch in trepidation as a breath of wind passes and chills my bare skin. but i know there is more; i exhale and focus on my inner self, gazing at the immensity of my subconscious.
Nude But Never Naked
**Nude, But Never Naked** By: DankeDonuts []( Featuring an illustration by: Storm-Engineer ...
Finally Right
Trembling with trepidation, one velvet padded paw drifted southward. some part of sidi's mind still doubted that the magic has worked.
Lab Rat
A silent moan and a jiggling shudder came to him as this happened, all trepidation and fear which had gripped him so tightly moments before gone in a wave of euphoria.
Tale From the Synth - Series One - Chapter Four -
Roan saw it, which only added to his own trepidation. "fully capable of sharing attentions with clyde. if such is his desire.
Star Hopper chapter 16
Then with a violent clash of color out the window the large plasma bolt screamed through space toward the trepidation. it skimmed the underbelly shaving some armor off like a wood shaver off a board.
Night Light
He asked, thinly veiling the trepidation in his voice. he was all about trying new things but water... it unnerved him. they passed by a sputtering fire that flared out into the dark, coughing up smoke that trailed into the air.
Lost love
, and devine, his face so sweet his eyes so hypnotizing the sweet smell of him still lingers in my mind deep black hair, like the midnight sky his skin so white, delicate and smooth a figure so pleasing and delightful a demeanor, of quite trepidation
trepid cold shaking shivering quaking just beneath the weight holding the world you knew to be true as it all comes apart right in front of you your tenderness and care ripped from the epicenter like a cancer, metastasizing into a grotesque abomination