Not a Muscle
The wolf finishes his speech, "if you don't move a muscle by the time i come back from work, i promise to stitch you up from that spot. good luck, jay."
Muscle Theft on Muscle Beach
The tension in his body that he wasn't aware he was holding suddenly evaporated, leaving his muscles feeling if not strong but actually existing.
Master Muscle
But that meant that, just hours from now, the locker room was going to be swarming with strong, muscular pokémon of all shapes and sizes...and he'd heard rumors about the master muscle having a secret victory party afterwards...perhaps this was what
Sore Muscles
#1 of sore muscles thad needs a bit of tender care sore muscles the moment thad lifted the weight, the big jock knew he'd made a bad mistake. although there was no popping sound, it was clear something was terribly wrong.
The Muscle Effect
He had become solid, muscled and _huge_, but everything fit his body in a manner that suggested that the wolf had always been beefy, muscle-bound and strong, and hadn't simply gained 100 pounds of muscle mass within minutes.
Muscle Magic
His rump closed up tightly as he used his magic to clean himself up; soon his stomach was back to its normal muscular state.
Muscle Beach
His body began to grow, losing its spherical shape, and gaining a new muscular one. it felt good, his muscles growing, inflating with strength and power. he grew, and grew till he was as large as travis.
Fruitful Muscles
His shoulders became broader, and were spaced farther apart due to his hard developing muscles. his back became more defined and muscular as it formed into a horseshoe shape. his neck became thick with muscle as well.
White muscles
I growl and do muscle poses, relishing on my sexy muscles and recharging my energy. but just then, i hear howling and smacking sounds. curious, i take a look outside. what a surprise!
The Muscle Tree
His powerful thigh muscles flexed over each other as he leaned his hips back, aiming his cock towards the canopy.
Muscles and Boobs
"i want those big muscles on top of me, papi~" raising his right arm, he flexed for her, "like what you see?" his biceps bulged as he made his pecs beat one after the other.
Summertime Muscles
"you're never gonna put any muscle on that frame if you just keep looking from the sidelines, kid."