Closing time delight...
And then there was the sound of liquid dribbling into that metal bucket, glancing down dunlup laughed as he watch the dark yellow urine pool in his bucket. filling the air with the strong scent of horse piss, along with the rank smell of the fear sweat.
DoD - Pt 2 - Ch 8: One life ends, another one begins:
Then they laid down a few reed mats, brought in some buckets filled with water and left. and then and we had to wait again. i was getting hungry and thirsty, i had not eaten since i had broken my fast.
The Blacksmith Prince - Chapter 1 (first draft)
No sooner had he sat down than the young hare and deer arrive through the servant's entrance with large buckets filled to the brim with steaming water.
Showtime! (2020)
The other horses moved off as they began to mingle in the audience as condoms were collected, their buckets filling up with them as laon tugged phil to the centre of the room again and then knelt down as the fox did the same and slowly the leash was
Second Shift- Shock
Ryan brings back the bucket, filled with crystal clear water. i thank him, and quickly get back to cleaning any wounds. "hmm . . . yeah, this won't work." i say. i stand up, looking down at them both. "noir. ryan. strip."
Flash Fic Collection 3_1
When the bucket filled anon set it off to the side to be processed later and quickly grabbed a new one. milky's comfort came first so he continued diligently milking her until she was drained.
Goofin' Good Dogs
, filling the room with its stench, which soon grew stronger, as a good number of couples began to join in.
Tales of Syn Act Two
The woman turned, gazing upon the workers, her eyes falling upon a man struggling with a load of buckets filled with dirt he was dumping into a back hoe that then transferred it to a dumptruck.
She grabbed the bucket filling it with water and dumped it on his head. all the sludge seemed to rinse away and he sat there, his fur completely white except for his black hair which catherine started on.
Silk and Smoke
The buckets filled rapidly with fluid that dripped from overhead. "now that's what a buck produces: pure sex, perfect for a gal's need. don't stop now, you've got a quota to fill before the night's over."
Triple the Threat
He returned and deposited a child's sand bucket filled with goodies, hopping into the pool after mark as strix began to pluck out things. soap, loofa, rag, perfect to start with.
filled and started to clean his truck the paint job was awesome all done up in a texas rodeo style job, as i cleaned i sweated i then heard the boss shout that i needed to clean the insides.