Abandon All Modesty

"What the fuck am I doing here?" I tried reassuring myself over and over that nobody would recognize me. Nobody would recognize a slim white...

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"Beast in the Ivory Tower" (Once a-Fawn a Time Teaser)

It began as another day of drunk soliloquy. Breakfast time was spent motivating myself out of bed, ignoring the hangover and my desire for another screwdriver. The view itself happened to be the main reason I bought this apartment years ago. The...

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Brotherhood's End: A Zack Leander Case (Patreon)

Who defined certain relationships as 'taboo'? What factors made modern-day society decide which kinds of love were unacceptable to let...

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Brotherhood's End (Patreon Preview)

Who defined certain relationships as 'taboo'? What factors made modern-day society decide which kinds of love were unacceptable to let...

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How I Met My Roommate

Me and Daniel went way back. I'd been half a year shy of graduating from the University of Utah in Crossroads City, dreading the day I earned...

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Cherry: Chapter 2 - Form of Power

Sex is a form of power. Whether somebody lived as a common street whore offering their services to survive, a limp-dicked slob too afraid to...

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Scandal in Office

The night before my fall from grace had been a spectacular one. For starters, my reelection campaign for mayor had been successful so far,...

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Maverick Hotel Part 16 (NSFW)

Lowell couldn't resist waking me with his tongue. More so on my right shoulder as his muscular arms wrapped tenderly around my shivering waist, his boner being the one to entice me to speak...

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A Leap of Faith

It all started with a leap of faith. Or rather, an impulsive sprint across the street. I grew up as Madeline May, the second-youngest daughter...

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Cherry: Chapter 8 - Meaningful Moments

"And he cried while the police hauled him out?" Grunting at his question while gritting my canines into a proud grin, I replied to the...

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Inauguration Day in Devout America

The observance of Inauguration Day (sometimes referred to as the 'Day of America's Resurrection', or 'American Resurrection Day') as a national holiday began on January 20th, 1997, the day that the Revenant...

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