In this story, a tribe of foxes has an orgy in celebration of two momentous occasions. A young vulpine is eager for the event ever since he becomes an adult, looking forward to enjoying the festivites with his father in a tent of horny vixens, but he...
Anthro, Anus, Ball Fondling, Ball lick, Balls, Bear, Blowjob, Breasts, Casual Sex, Casual nudity, Creampie, Cuckolding, Cum, Cumming, Cumshot, Cunnilingus, Death, Deer, Doggystyle, Drinking urine, Ejaculation, Father, Fellatio, Female, Feral, Fox, Gangbang, Handjob, Harem, M/F, M/F/F/F/F/F/F, Male, Male/Female, Missionary position, Naked, Nude, Nudity, Oral, Orgasm, Orgy, Peeing in mouth, Penis, Piss, Pussy, Rimming, Sex, Son, Urine, Vixen, Watersports, golden shower, testicles