Medically (Un)Necessary

"okay, gin, i'm going to hook in the anaesthesia now," marino said as he connected the bag of anaesthetic to gin's iv line and started the drip.

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Raythe Torments

The shouts become screams as he feels the tug at his fang, the unpleasant sensation made worse by the lack of a dental anaesthetic, and only growing worse each second.

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Chapter 63: It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll...

As the man began digging at the shoulder wound with a pair of long forceps, wary to use anaesthetic on the alien creature in their present situation, entei's cursing grew more fluent until, with a snarling torrent of abuse that nearly sent the human

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Demitri's Peneticon

If the cold mist of the anaesthetic spray to the tip of the canine's prick did not stem the continual swelling in the cheetah's paws, the rough insertion of the blunt end of a syringe did.

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Paid In Kind - Chapter One

His hosts were unsure on how much anaesthetic they needed to put the human to sleep for a long enough time to get through with everything, and hence when he stirred and his eyes opened, it came as a surprise.

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Red Sun and Moon Colliding

I drifted off again with a quiet purr, unconsiously shifting over towards diem with my last vestiges of energy, the thought of hopefully seeing her smile upon awakening obliterating any need for the drug's anaesthetic effects.

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Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 02

Seeing as the escape of the targets was due to a miscalculation you made in not thinking ahead and realizing forty nine would need a larger dosage of anaesthetic to keep her asleep, i've decided to keep you far away from the missions concerning them and give

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For the Love of Gems

Pleasure like this could wake anyone up, even someone influenced by an anaesthetic spell specifically conjured to keep the 'victim' asleep.

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The Cop next door

They want to keep me in here for a day just to keep an eye on me and make sure the anaesthetic is out of my system. then they send me home for a couple of weeks rest before i can go back to work and fly a desk until it is all healed up."

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Integrated Security (Extreme, Female Version)

To answer her question, a gaseous anaesthetic was fed into her nasal tubes and put the wolf to sleep. * * * the wolf was woken up by an intense feeling of pain and pleasure that consumed her entire being.

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Integrated Security (Extreme, Male Version)

To answer his question, a gaseous anaesthetic was fed into his nasal tubes and put the wolf to sleep. * * * the wolf was woken up by an intense feeling of pain and pleasure that consumed his entire being.

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Wylde Fyre - Chapter Four

The anaesthetics still in his system were clouding his mind, and making it hard to focus on his thoughts, or what rebecca was saying.

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