Bus Passing

Strands of drool were connected between their lips, dripping down after a few moments. "dumb... jerk..."

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Bingo Does it Better

Shivers ran down his spine as he openly accepted the actions, embracing the sloppy and drooling dog tongue that slurped far down into his throat.

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The Investigation (Vore Story)

And it really wasn't one that he wanted to think about...the bug's fat underbelly churned and stirred with every movement the pokemon made, the grotesque showing just distracting enough for zero to not notice that the bug-type was drooling quite a bit of string

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Stuck in the Lift (Vore Story)

The giraffe had backed her into a corner, and was profusely drooling and sniffing the air as she thought about what the sergal had to taste like.

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Fixin' the vixen

She wouldn't notice just how much the musk was driving her thoughts until she felt a string of drool trickle down onto her - lighting her mind ablaze as it drizzled across her sensitive parts.

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Joining the Team

Brandon twitched and shuddered, his eyes rolling back and drool dribbling from his mouth as coach stood there, watching the iq drain from his star swimmer's face with tw[a]itch and mumbled nonsense.

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Embrace Animality: Be Gay 3

Irma rubbed ava through her jeans and ava had to pull away and moan sensually, the bunny girl smiling with her incisor sticking out in front, drool going down the side.

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W+P/F=D (Wolf and Panther over Fox equals drool) Part 3

#3 of w+p/f=d w+p/f=d (wolf and panther over fox equals drool) part 3 this is possibly the last story in this series. unless you people want more. it won't be the last starfox story i write, just of this w+p/f=d series.

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W+P/F=D (Wolf and Panther over Fox equals drool) Part 2

#2 of w+p/f=d w+p/f=d (wolf and panther over fox equals drool) part 2 fox jumped into his arwing feeling sick to his stomach. he left a little note about going to the store to pick up something.

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Ex-Stepfather Part 2

drool went down my chin with each trembling piston made into my stepson. or rather, former stepson.

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Your Dog Is Now Your Master, Rabbit

Belle smiled wide, drool flowing all over her maw. her tongue hung out the front of it between her teeth. her eyes looked to the roof, wild with ecstasy. she panted with every rub onto arthur.

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Xirra's First Time

Xeno lazily lifted his head from the cave floor, all four emerald eyes scanning the gloom around him as his mate slept peacefully under his wing. Yet as the drake opened his maw wide to yawn, a light blue blur jumped out at him from the shadows,...

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