The Phoenix (Chapter 1)

I check my fuel gauge and to my horror it reads that my fuel tanks are empty. i open the canopy and jump out of my plane. i count off five seconds and pull the cord to open my parachute. i gracefully fall to the ground in a slow decent.


Clone Me Harder! - TEASER!

The sounds of moving fluids increased in volume as the approached and the gauges, which had previously been senseless, clarified into things like pressure and salinity.

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Gift Exchange, Part 3: For The Show

One of the jackalope's ears flicked towards the other animals gathered at the fire pit, gauging their reaction to the friendly rivalry brewing between the two of them.

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The Spark They Let Burn, Part I

Pats on helmets as gauges clicked green. pressure optimal. they were ready. 'hit it!'

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Zero Hour: the Scarlet Freighter

My loadout consisted of one pump-action 12-gauge shotgun, 1 sniper rifle,1 silenced pistol, 1 knife, and 5 grenades, two of which were flashbang. i walked up to the stairs, and encountered two guards.

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Profile: Ralphael Nakai

Weapons: a large katana, 12 gauge shotgun, and bows & arrows. fashion: mostly clothes that fits him, but usually wears baggy pants, trench coats and muscle shirts. fighting style: kick-boxing, except he doesn't really use his hands a lot.

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OC Draft: Isaac Aridesh

**personality:** isaac has a rather roll with 'the flow of the things' attitude; he is not too strict on to his students on what they draw, observing what they create, often gauging their potential as an artist.

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Conversational Catch-Up

Need a few minutes to think of the right thing to say and to ignore is never my intention it can just be hard to keep up with the conversation sometimes even though i'm always pretty happy when i do, well most of the time it's just hard to gauge

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Blue: Chapter 2

He paused and looked over at gold, gauging his reaction. gold seemed unperturbed by the news, red knew this was because he was a lot nicer than he let on. red continued "your target is a mister dylan blackheart.


Macro March

Sero waited till the gauge said 'max' before pressing the red fire button, but nothing happened. growling, he pressed it again and again, but still nothing! "stupid machine! work!"

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CYOA: Nighthowler [4]

She pauses at a corner and takes a deep breath before carefully peering around, trying to gauge what is going on. information is a hero's greatest weapon, after all!

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