
Only the front of his stomach held that honor, the royal color shining through brightly on the untouched feathers which comprised the front of his mammothly obese frame.

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PokeNNN - Round 27

Her client stroked her belly and another roar was heard a loud splort making the female obese like a slaking, causing him to almost vomit his cum. her dress was tight, about to go rip in pieces. "why you stop? i want to the last drop!"

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Tubby Tabby (One-Shot)

Ferrell, turned out to be used to macro monsters and found himself completely unfazed by the sight of an obese 16,000 lb cat on the day of his yearly checkup.

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Bully 2

"why dun ya give sloppy joe a kiss goodnight." the obese rabbit sneered.

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S1 Ep 36 Karma pt1

You have no damn right to reject me like that you obese furball!. you are going to get married to me if you like it or not arthur!" athena screamed showing her true colors on the ship.

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Pounds for the Pounding

Ugly, perverted, fat...greasy...obese..." he chuckled. "and you will still be mine..." "why?" "yours is not to question. yours is to obey..."

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The Scandalous Adventures of a Lusty Fox- Blog 4: The Horny Grandpa Lion

The elderly feline roared as he moved his paw down, reaching to something under his obese belly. ziiiiiiip red heard, and immediately felt something hard and warm touching his snout.

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Small Miracles

Bed number 2 was currently occupied by an especially obese wolverine with bad knees and plenty of use for the bedpan.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirteen

They just walked out of the gate then, the humans slowing to move at a comfortable pace for the morbidly obese labrador. they walked around the corner of the building and out of sight.

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Surely he won't be able to follow me through all those obese tourists. i can see it on the horizon anyway. i sprint and sprint on all fours. it's funny how my hands aren't hurt by all the gravel in the park pathway.

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Pigging Out

His stained clothes barely covered his obese frame, porky belly sticking out from between his shirt and pants. "oh hey! glad you could make it - come on in!"

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