Regret Chapter 2

Whether or not your heart aches for the loss of your home world, krystal that is no reason to stop wearing the diadem. you're royalty after all."

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Winter's Coronation

His friend turned around, a beautiful golden tiara in his claws. it was, like most icewings, sharp and aggressive, gold curves sweeping up to diamond-studded points.

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My first story naga/female will turn vore later on

She had elf ears a gorgeous face and crystal blue eyes. she wore a chestpiece with swirls around her mammaries. she had on a tiara. with a heart shaped pink jewel embedded in the front.

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Terra, chapter ten: Prom Night, part I the Prank

A tiara was placed on her head, and a crown was placed on gar's. the band began to play the school song as wally west began snapping photos for the yearbook.

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Mario, Our Princess Is...Um...

She wore only her tiara. she squeaked again as the reptiles large claws grabbed her waist again, hoisting her weight effortlessly. then, purring, he began to lower the princess toward his turgid cock.

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Things We Do

The light from the sun flashing across the glittery tiara sitting a top her yellow blonde hair. "i doubt you came all the way here just to berate me on how i get my money, so unless you have better ways to waste my time then i am leaving."

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Another Time: Chapter 6

tiara narrowed her bright red eyes - again, cosmetically altered to fit with the current hot topic.

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Night's Children Chapter 5 No Choice Left

She even got fancy clothes from this and a tiara or more accurately a crown. "l-luna?" the alicorn gave a familiar smile greeted her. "tiss is i nightshadow. this is my true form. my bond with the moon has returned.

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Give Them Eyes to See

He placed the mask upon the altar, and returned to the main chamber carrying the gem-studded tiara. he'd keep it as a reminder, he thought.

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Venom, Episode 7

I'm garbed in rather regal looking jewelery, and i'm wearing a tiara of some sort. just by feeling it with my hands i can get a metal image of what it looks like, my sense of touch heightened by my ascension into the sisterhood.

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My Little Mashup 17 - The Stare

And a bright light shone from her eyes - which was pretty startling - and then they were all wearing personalized gemmed necklaces - and on twilight sparkle's head, a tiara formed from nothing. rainbow dash hopped in the air.

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The Airship and the flashback of the beginning of Pim's ordeal

And the last thing was a tiara he placed on his own head bunching up his mane hair to hang over off the tiara to one side. pim was completely humiliated and was red faced.

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