Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 18

Maybe it was the situation that was stressing him, or master fortono's gene therapy that was unbalancing his chemistry, but emperor charles felt like an anxiety attack was not far off.

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Silver City Aside; The Lieutenant's Professional Virgin

Haran had undergone several chemical and gene therapies to enhance his endurance in many areas of his human physiology, but some sexual additions and toys still came in handy.

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Betting on the Wrong Horse

"ok...hybrids are created through some sort of crazy gene therapy that requires a big tank and takes days for anything to be seen". dan muttered to himself, not realising his long flowing tail was swishing behind him as he walked.

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The Wish Chapter III

Haun, professor of bio-gene-therapy. she sat down and began typing out a letter on her computer, stopping after seeing the compiled inventory of what she had originally agreed and later became a part to the disappearance of nineteen people.

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The Raid

She's definitely got a lot of compulsions and shit fucking up her brain, but with gene therapy and counseling i think she'll be able to function in a group home at least." "no one deserves that." francis said.

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The Reality Chapters 1-6

As well i believe you have noticed that your limbs and paws do look quite a bit different from the rest of us during the gene therapy the changing had a small amount of differences making your appearance to be a bit more feral to us."  

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A Complete Makeover

"well, with the right gene therapy we can make her look like 30. and a little training to make her suitably horny..." "you can make her that much younger? and you are not marketing that therapy? you could earn a lot of money with that?"

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist

"it happened in an experiment using gene therapy derived from _desmodus rotundu, diphylla ecaudata_and _diaemus youngi_, among other animals." "the three species of vampire bat." "exactly.

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The Wish Chapter VI

The unscrupulous professors used and sold their discovery to governments, granting a rare few to each the reformation serum gene therapy of an animal common to that region of the world.

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Digital Life

"it was a case of spend years undergoing surgery, cybernetic augmentation, gene therapy, and all sorts of other unpleasant procedures... or upload and get a new body whenever i wanted one. i decided to stay here."

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Metempsychosis III, part 2 - Alswaram, Raven, Lancer, Reiken and Sorvaa'hr

Raven had been a mech pilot for some time now but unlike alswaram, he choose to remain a "mundane", the military slang for mech pilots that didn't get the gene therapy to be converted to mechanical activator. raven liked the feeling of manual piloting.

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A Wish Chapter I (Original Story)

I talked with the professor and he said that the dartmoor society sent the gene therapy from england. the basic idea was to splice young human male cells and those of some equine.

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