Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Seventeen

The world shifted once more. this time in response to the desire hidden on the surface of shiro's heart. the question he had long sought an answer to played itself out before him.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Fifteen

Another shuddering lurch as the world shifted in position around them. "i could stop for a while if you wanted." "we still need to examine the ruins of that village. and i want to know why the ogres are amassing in such numbers.

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The Pleasure of Fear

Suddenly popi felt his whole world shift around. the coils that bound him were now moving in all directions, he felt himself rolling around as his prison shifted around.

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The Date

Then the world shifted, and he felt a pull downwards as they sat up. the tip slowed somewhat to a slight judder, as if searching for the right spot. it apparently found it when the bug heard a moan filter down, the vibrations jolting him around.

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Moonlight Waltz

Her world shifted as she was twisted onto her side. the slick cocktip caught her sex, and without so much as a 'please', the thick wolf cock split her wide open. she shouted. did she scream? she thought she screamed.

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Special Tutoring

He felt the world shift, gravity suddenly in line with his body rather than across it.

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Foundations: Part 10 - Final (AaO Side Story)

Not even the world shifting with jonas' upward movement could stir me all that much. he started on his way to our bedroom, paws padding rhythmically below. but it seemed, in a night of surprises, he had one left for me at least.

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Disintegration: Chapter 4

A cocktail of emotions swirled in the woman's mind as her entire world shifted, and she was suddenly sent tumbling towards the only opening. as sasha fell from the container and screamed, white light blinded her.

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Starfox - Exclusive

Moaning exhaustedly, krystal felt the world shift and turn. her weight rolled over and wolf's warm embrace enveloped her. she quivered and quaked in his embrace as they laid there on that cot, tied together and stuck.

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The Maintenance Logs 1: Triggering Routines

The metal door that blocked off the rest of the world shifted to the side, and tatyana forcibly reminded herself that only four people could get in and out through that door. only four people had the codes.

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"The Wild King", chapter 6

The starry day sky plummeted downward as trees speared into my field of vision from both sides of my eyes, the world shifting around me as i felt two heavy hands catch me by the small of my back.

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