Don and Jake - Chapter 1
Hope you enjoy the first metaphorical fruits of my labor. don gave a quiet grunt as he sat down at his desk.
DA Den chapter 4
She looks up and saw nate with his jaw to the floor(metaphorically)."oh hey natey what's wrong?"mako asked.nate looked around at the demolished kitchen,he was stunned at the way his house was."my kitchen...i was only gone for an hour."
The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Preface
Sophocles knew of such things, too: pretending that the _lykaia_ was not at all about supple teenage greek boys fucking each other and eating human flesh so they could turn into werewolves, but instead some clever metaphor for what the tyrant does to his subjects
Owo uwu [Dragon story]
But i guess when you hear something that scary, you metaphorically become usain bolt. with everyone becoming a superstar athlete, i decided to do the scooby-doo run in place thinking that would save me, but that just got me even more lost.
What Does It Feel Like? //Prologue
He returned the attention by drifting a few tentative fingers across her hip and thigh, making note of the shape and stopping to brush carefully past her pink entrance.the immense heat and the explosion of emotion was difficult to contain for todd, both metaphorically
Thirteen Takes From Another World: Tenth Tale
"pretty sure it being a metaphor would be a pretty big stretch at this point. plus, moss rock is the place in our hearts just doesn't have a good ring to it. you now?
Tumescitron 4000 - Week 2
There was a moment, as the hound flung himself over the metaphorical edge, where he felt suspended. time seemed to stop for a few precious seconds, and he could hear the thrub of his heartbeat in his eardrums.
He meant this both literally and metaphorically. domestic ferrets are normally neutered to prevent aggressive tendencies, but bandit was an exception. the creature made a really evil sounding rasping laugh when it saw bandit.
Chapter 2 - Dead, Cold and Jack n Jill
My eyes were indeed open â€" but still, i was blind.. a metaphorical sense, of course. i stood shakily with new found energy to stare about me.
Digital Piracy is Evil(not really)
He would've appreciated the metaphor. on the computer, torrentget opened up, despite the only living being in the room being a dog very interested in his new flexibility.
Executive decisions Chapter 2
Then, as a last inspired motion, he had pulled the metaphorical chains tighter by extending anar's work contract to twenty years. he'd have made it more if he could. he'd have him bound here forever. all of that hard work had been for nothing.
Or if they did, they did so around corners as pretense, perhaps, subtext, allusion, metaphor. you were right, though, i could hear it in your voice. there was finality, there, which spoke of a choice already made.