The Dream That Turned Real, Part 2

The walls were only three inches taller than the doors, which were 8' tall, 1' wide, with more than enough space for about nine other furs in the showers alone. there was even a door leading from the locker rooms to the bathroom in the house.

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The Interview - From the LICA Archives

I'm not used to being in the shower alone... with a girl. especially one so pretty as you. it's usually a bunch of other boys chatting, cracking jokes, snapping towels."

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Chapter 17: Family

Knowing through their telepathic link that he was still determined to remain chaste and keep storing up his seed to impregnate her, she opted to shower alone each night to not tempt him.

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Trick or Treat! Torture or Pleasure?

The moment she felt like she was penetrated as she opened her eyes and found herself under the shower, alone. she was sitting on the floor against the wall panting like she ran down the temple hallway again. after another minute she collected herself.

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Chapter 3 - Tournament

Want to shower alone?" i stuttered softly and she looked down. she saw i was blushing and assumed she should be embarrassed as well. she looked back at me with a bit of a pout and her ears back as she shook her head no, which only made my blush deepen.

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Drake's Rise

For now though, tennis made his way to the labs so that he could take a quiet shower alone. every time he had gone to his own house to relax someone had come to bother him, but the labs were quiet today as everyone allowed themselves their grief.

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Collared - Chapter 9 - Advance

He liked taking showers alone. he could shower at the same time as other collars, he had to most days, but a short amount of privacy was a rare treasure.

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Hard to Get

The shower was running, but drake had nothing better to do and so he waited, listening intently to the sounds of a naked argonne showering alone. after about thirty minutes, the shower stopped. drake listened intently, hearing no other sound.

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Does it matter?

The locker room was empty and i showered alone, well not alone i had my thoughts to keep me company. so many thoughts, how could it not matter? why did it matter? did it just matter cause it was complicated?

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New Start, New Life, New Love - Request for FoxStarx31

Mellissa very nearly balked again, suddenly hyper aware of the secret she had kept hidden her whole life, the one thing that had driven her to shower alone all through college just to hide the shameful difference of her body.

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Reaper: Hades - Chapter 2

"and if ya wanna take ah shower alone, be mah guest. ain't like i need sum'ne ta scrub mah back or sumthin'..." denial was always adorable. jacob shook his head and strode past marcus. "good to hear.

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