Still, Still a Virgin

Holding up the dice, he quickly shows kyle the twenty numbered side of the dice. "i'm going to roll this dice a total of five times through the game and whatever number comes up, well, i'm going to slap your balls that many times." kyles eyes bug out.

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Adventures After Dark 5: Big Boss Battle

Now, these are all dice for a teleport 'spell' that i just cast, bringing the other monsters here and breaking your little hold over them. i know it'd be hard to break that spell, but i just rolled over five hundred dice right there.

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Fenária RPG EN-US 3.9

That's why we need dices to play. first, the referee attributes a number to the difficulty of the task. it can be any number, ranging from 0 to infinite. then, the player of the character must roll two dices. the result is the "dice roll" or r.

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Walls: Exodus 26 - Rigged Dice

# chapter 26 - rigged dice ## **512 a.r.** **march**** 1 ****, tel-adra -** **haven**** , ****morning** days passed, and what had been new experiences began to settle into routine.

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Yugioh NG Ep.3

Go dice jar!" he commanded.

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Roll of Fate: The First Toss...

Taking the water, i sipped at it and picked up the dice again. "hold on everyone.

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Sueños de un amor lejano

€"ammm... solo una cosa â€"dice diego bastante sonrojadoâ€" â¿puedes ponerte algo de ropa? tras varias horas acostados, sin decir ni una sola palabra, james y diego salen de la habitaciã³n.

Nada de promesas de amor eterno

Sale de la habitación y le dice a alex que es hora de irse. nadie más se despide de el, pero no le importa. quizá las cosas cambien cuando vuelva. quizá...

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The Map of gilgama Chapter 1

Eileen looked over at some of the dice. the twenty-sided dice were multicolor custom made, with metal edges, priced around ten, maybe fifteen dollars, depending on what dice it was. deloy smirked some and flipped one in each hand.

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Splintered Light, Ch 8.2: Der Beschützer

Scandal: depending on the dice roll, karl and/or emma may have to account for themselves and their actions at a later point. regret: depending on the dice roll, karl and/or emma may have lasting regret for something they (do not) do.

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Pets: Chapter9

"dice..." his voice was a little quiet, in case any servants around heard him. "dice..." out of the deep shadows of the cell, a noise of chains being dragged and the site of a white figure approached. "daeo?" it was dice's small voice.

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