Twilight’s Harem Havoc: The Harem Havoc

Twilight felt it as she was turned around and spike held her by the legs while starlight helped put twilight's arms over spike's neck. then twilight felt it.

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Agent Epsilon

His shoulders rippled before sharp black spikes pushed out, curving upward and rising into points. while the main curved spikes were prominent, three smaller spikes pushed out around each one.

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Hellion Valley

Daniel's hair seemed to stand up in spikes with a will of its own, his upper lip covered with the soft fuzz of his first mustache.

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Fucking Legacy - P1: Foundations - Chapter 5

He pressed his cockhead in as spike gave a soft sound of surprise and their vent snatch about the probing, hot flesh tightly before boulder then pushed his hips against spike and his cock swelled and practically punched its way out of him and deep into spike

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Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act III - 16 - Hammer to Fall

"whoever wields this hammer shoul-" her muttering was cut off by spikes voice coming to life over the intercoms. "this is not a drill, i repeat not a drill. we are enacting a full evacuation of the town and of non-military personnel.

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Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act III - 15 - I See the Bad Moon Rising

_" spike asked again, and pinkie's eyes darted to the location display in her binoculars. "about a half-mile to th-the i have to go?" she asked fearfully, hoping that spike would be sympathetic and cut her some slack.

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Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act III - 14 - O That These Hands Could So Redeem My Son!

"we just got a strange spike of magical energy agent spike," glimmer said, pointing towards the display. spike nodded. "that we do, agent glimmer. get the boys ready. i have a feeling those pegasi i saw and those energy stats have a lot in common..."

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I really did not want to disturb spike, but this message needed to be sent right away. i gently rubbed his little head and whispered, "spike... spike, please wake up. i need you to send this to princess celestia right away."

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a random party

She said smiling as the others came in spike went to rarity to help her with the boxes she had to carry "thank you spike, sadly pinkie i must decline this invite, i'm swamped with work, hmm spike how would you like to" rarity saw a puff of smoke and where

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D.O.A. 6 - Jake/Spike, Ian/Jason - Anders als normal

, fragte der arzt und blickte spike freundlich an. „ich bin ein freund von jake, aus der schule.", antwortete spike und schüttelte die pfote des arztes. „was ist denn genau passiert?"

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The League: The Bridge Pt. 1

The shouts of the crowd were for the dragon, not him, and when he was finally tossed aside he was almost thankful for the spikes suddenly rushing towards him. the large male struck the spikes with a meaty impact that took the tiger's life immediately.

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