Reconnaissance Mission

"because they want to know if there's any of those things over here and if so is there hostility cultural...we already know there hostile near the base but we don't know anything about over here."

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there was air conditioning in there, and more importantly, there was food for the taking. there was _always_food in the house, and today, in particular, there was going to be a lot; it was luc's birthday.

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From what i could tell there was no way in. i looked around and saw that the other buildings were the same. i knew there had to be a way in from somewhere. when i looked through a window, which thankfully there was one, i saw a hole in the floor.

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Not A Scale Out Of Place

there was nobody else here, as far as he could tell, and there was a mystery that he couldn't seem to think through.

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The seX-Files - Pilot Episode

It's a little too empty out there." "so what's missing?" "birds." "birds? there are plenty of birds in the trees. you can hear them sing." "not those birds. gulls. pelicans. heck, there should be something out there.

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 17: The Interview - The Mage's Association

"there are other organizations out there. also, there are other mage governments that are quite meaningful. namely, the middle east and the chinese." "oh?"

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Deep Structure: Part 1

there was a long foyer that led into the heart of the mountain. there was concern about mike being trapped inside due to an avalanche or rock slide, so there was a kind of levee made to protect the entrance.

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Runewolf: prelude

The little knowledge of the clan that has been leaked has been sent by the few that have been banished from there lands. of these there is the brave rune-warrior know as kale.

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Account of the Great War by Radirr

there was noise from one of the other sectors as they had broken into the underground and houses there, but it was fiercely fought, everyone who could hold a sharp object was fighting there.

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