The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 21
But i'm also reasonable, what's the point of getting yourself locked uo for eternity if we can work together so you can pay your debt of blood?
Spirit Bound: Chapter 154
Garret could see the strange blood working its way into her wounds. _"blood spilling blood. the betrayal of trust. the screams of a child,_ your _child. no greater joy. a joy i can teach you."_ the intercom buzzed. someone was at the gate.
Wardogs Chapter 4
It was slow, bloody work. i was pulled out of my focus as i felt something behind me, letting out a surprised little yip and looking over. the wardog i'd just spoken to had his nose under my tail, sniffing.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 21)
The knife is infused with the blood of the faithful, drops of blood worked into the iron.'
Spirit Bound: Chapter 128
Nathanial's phone beeped, and he decided to check the message before he got _too_ wrapped up in planning the week again, and in it nick said that they were done with nathanial's and micah's blood work.
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 04
Several true bloods work quickly to repair recent damage that have been made to the iron roads and gates that surround a large iron building that was a military own science facility and factory.
Gina's Job
He nodded towards the vials and their contents, "now i'm sure you're wondering why we gave you the drug test and blood work and all that. well that was to make sure that you're no threat to our studs.
Wolfpack Core - Chapter 9 - Halfway
The blood works continued to flow as the blood from his attack on me flowed onto his fur. the trigger of pain made us both shoot several jets of cum.
What if we find out
I hoped to hear back from the blood work, but i got nothing. by friday, the changes had continued to spread. my hands were a mix of human and raccoon. fur covered my entire body from the neck down.
The Poem of Ecstacy
Horribly enough, boneflower woke up just as he finished his bloody work, and managed to cry out a few panicked, agonized words before grood silenced her with his tail made into a noose, choking the last bits of life out of her.
A Kind of Graduation
Well, it did, but the increasing concentrations of calming chemicals and lusty hormones in his blood worked wonders for drowning all those worries out. he could still see a doctor, he reminded himself, but there was no hurry.
Then we can probably run some blood work on you. that's probably the best place to start."the fox suggested it but he figured the other cub would protest the idea of being pricked with a needle. "i guess...i don't really have much of a choice."