The beginning

Brent chuckled stupidly at the thought of jake taking him shopping, before he found his world shifting again, and soon he was the one straddling the otter.

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Your Biggest Fan

I think you're the best actor in the world!" shifting in his chair, quinton realized that he wouldn't be able to get this cat to leave without saying at least something to him. "w-well, i wouldn't know about that, but thank you, luca."

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Prime Beef

The voice remained the same as before, yet somehow calmer, completely dismissing any and all negative feelings that could have followed from the outside world.

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The world shifted and swayed under him and he jerked his head upwards as he felt the lips pushed against his own. he felt the slight bristle of whiskers teasing along his lips and the warm breath brushing up towards his cheeks.

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I could feel the world shifting until my head was below me, body pointing straight down his gullet. he tilted his head, lifting my bottom half above me, and took in a foot of my belly in one massive gulp.

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: CH 1 : Where things went wrong

A new pain shooting through her body, this one along her side and stomach followed by her world shifting one direction and then another.

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Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Thirty

But as the seasons changed and the world shifted and water dwindled, they would move again, as they always had. they often followed the animals. the animals roamed, and so did the tribe.

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Commission Story: The Creature from Europa

The world shifted around her vision, the usually measured clicking of her heels with each step was absent this time; instead it was slow and methodical.

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The Water Dojo: Session #2

The vulpix could only blush and hug his tails as he felt the world shift around him, the swampert slowly tilted his head back until the vulpix's plush rear pushed against his throat... and with a single, wet gulp he was accellerated through it and dumped onto

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A More Perfect Union 3 - The Chief's Protection

His knees came next and he felt his world shift. sirius was being pulled upwards onto his feet, both by brian's assistance and the weighty distention of his stomach.

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Walking A Mile in Another's Paws (1/3)

Just as the thick yellow tail disappeared inside of him, though, the world shifted once more and he found himself looking up at the trees being blown by the night breeze as he laid there on the ground.

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Lost in Transit

The world shifted around him as gravity switched completely. then a drop hit his gut. she flopped onto her chest with all her weight. her breast with nowhere to go filled outward and smeared lazmer into the bra.

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