Cosmic Cannibal Cruise Line Part 1

Cosmic cannibal cruise line part : the new recruit a green and black german shepherd, whose black coloration takes the form of tiger stripes, with purple eyes and top fur to match in an orange jumpsuit like those worn by astronauts walks up to a

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Conning the Arena 5

Instead, he looked the giraffe in the eye with the same sort of mild 'you're crazy' look that usually came when an idiot declared they wanted to be an astronaut, or when a muscle-bound moron was chosen to put together some grand plan for an army.

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The Simple Things. Chapter Fifteen.

It was hard not to tell him i was an astronaut; wanting to show off for him. to brag about myself. try to make him want to look at me the way he was now. "couple times a week." i went on sticking my foot in my mouth. "it shows." he just said.

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Raised by Wolves

I am glad the united states space program astronauts speak our tongue.", he said as the door opened. inside the endeavor: "oh my god!

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New Beginnings

Now it would be his last few hours under the same sky, every human had always been under, and was born and lived under every day for all time, astronauts excluded for mere blips in history.

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Simply Beautiful - Act Three

Ignoring the bloody happenings occurring in the video game before her which included aliens of some kind trying to kill janelle's astronaut character out in the vacuum of space, the she-fox ripped off the she-shark's headphones.

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Fuli and the Stagehand

While other kids my age dreamt about being police officers or astronauts, i was the only one in my class who wanted to work in filmmaking.

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Werewolf Halloween (Commission for Giza)

A little fox in an astronaut costume looked up, then screamed with such a high pitch that stormy winced, looking down at the little kids, who were all staring at her, and soon most were quickly running away to find their parents, the candy forgotten.

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A Summer Abroad

There were people all around me: engineers, astronauts, their families. i let myself stop to take a long drink of my new beer. i'd been looking forward to the short break from cass and his friends.

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Trailblazer Part 4

His father blink at his words "you mean like an astronaut?" "no, i am a freeblade knight." earning a raised brow from the older wolf "here, i'll show you.", he activates his comm "elvo, are you there?"

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Rexville 20: Halloween Night Part 1

She looked around aimlessly but found the glowing skeleton talking with someone wearing a black astronaut costume from the online video game _among us_ across the tent. then natasha caught up with them, holding a cup of soda.

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The Victoria Chronicles - 13, The Sanctuary

"kinda like the space suits astronauts wear." vix said as she tried to process all this. _"something like that. but far less bulky and restrictive and made for the most extreme environments.

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