Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 11
."** "an honored concubine and courtesan," the countess corrected him. "a crafty noble lady such as myself does not _serve_ the way others might." **"very well, valarie miller,"** the devil lord said with an amused expression.
Long ride home
Lance closed his eyes and swayed his hips doing what he kind of imagined as a seductive courtesan dance, then yelped as two strong hands gripped him by the hips, pulling him backwards. "i need you" the voice was deep, passionate, breathy.
The Shadow Chemist 2
As they navigated the throngs of intoxicated patrons and eager courtesans, shoo couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and shame.
Standard Bearer
The memories of that night and the courtesan that shared his bed still stirred lustful memories in him to this day. sometimes embarrassing, as it sometimes caused sturrek's dark member to come out of his genital slit and droop between his rear legs.
Die Role - Ch 3
"one presumes that to have gained the favor of their prince, his courtesan must already have been quite sexually active and proficient.
Overcasting 3: Chapter 4
courtesan's got that covered because she's not a useless pile of shit like the rest of us." "ah, right," harlot sighed. _stop! you are **not** useless!_ "huh?" "i said courtesan's taking it up the snatch. so, anal or oral?"
She whispered an order to a nearby courtesan, sent her off with a jerk of her head, and returned derek's gaze with a knowing smile. derek glanced furtively, looking for other soldiers.
One Night in Rome
If the cut of the robes did not make it clear of her profession, she also wore a broach proclaiming the house of courtesans.
Fallen for the Flesh - Part 2
Crazed thoughts combined in her head; she had to obey, this was her general; she had to do this, this is what she does, being a skilled sexual courtesan.
A Most Profitable Encounter
The dragonborn's tongue lolled from his muzzle, but he didn't care: this was no high-born dragoness, no elegant courtesan from home.
The Thorned Rose: Part II
._ _he sat next to the stallion, on the ground though, and draped his legs away so that he posed like a courtesan might were she advertising herself to males upon a divan.
You May Now Deflower the Bride
My muzzle twitched when i saw his tight hole, winking at me like a courtesan trying to catch the attention of a drunken man. i crawled over to him and put both hands onto his ass. i pried his cheeks apart and brought my muzzle down to smell him.