Life by Wolfie. <3 (Me)

But, we can preserve this love we all have in us and let it be free, free than a bird flying with dignity. the people that got you down, that got you upset, or even worse. ignore them and live through the game of life.

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Coyotka of the North!

preserved and available for study almost exactly as it would have appeared millennia ago when it was an active community.

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The coliseum (Spectators)

They say that the bodies of those eonicap's are stored and preserved encase anyone wants to back out. well no one has yet and what's happening to those bodies in the meantime? anyway, that's the skinny of it.

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Prologue: To Spite the Chaste

I discovered the properties of preservation, invocation, and supplication. i certainly wanted to preserve a once prevalent way of life, at least in part. there was a bit of happiness that i found in the stories behind pan and his kind.

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Eternally Vernal, Epilogue: Snowflakes On Flowers, Their Souls Preserved Beneath Glass, Springtime Forever

#11 of eternally vernal * * * eternally vernal, epilogue: snowflakes on flowers, their souls preserved beneath glass, springtime forever. * * * fardeau, coming to realize the concept of context, felt frustrated.


I will give you my finest hour

If he's dreaming, he must be having peaceful and easy dreams, because he doesn't twitch, he doesn't moan, he doesn't curl up on his side and clutch the pillow like a life preserver.

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Ryan Dalmatian

:p career: railroad dog at the locomotive preservation society's museum in brooklyn, new york. special training: specially trained railroad dog.

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Hirsune Pt. 17 - It's a Madhouse

"we must all work together, both human and hirsune, to preserve the principals that this great country was founded upon.

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Humanity: The Predecessors, Ch. 2

The ones with the artifacts preserved under them." "now that will be interesting to see. i went on a trip to see those when i was a kid and really enjoyed it." "so i guess you two will be getting permission slips or something like that soon, right?"

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 2

She still had to get back to her cottage and start the preservation of her prey from the previous evening. then she had to get everything ready for the hunt tonight.

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Unique -or- “Ain't No Thing Like Me”

That the person who had built this preserve was from terra didn't surprise him. several loud, sonic booms interrupted his thinking.

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The Porn Note, Chapter 10: Service Has Its Price

"_almost complete, malcolm, within the restrictions of preserving life._" "and not causing harm?" "_this is allowed in the cause of preserving life._" "..." "_malcolm, i detect that your heart rate is rising. are you alright?

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