Winter's Apex: Ch 4 - A Moment of Silence

As they neared the lodge, out of earshot from anyone at the competition, palmer began stammering out apologies, seeming to be barely able to hold himself together. "i'm so sorry. i should never have pressured you like that.

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May the Best Win [M/M]

This isn't a competition on who can eat the fastest. it is a competition on who can continue eating the most out of the entire pool of contestants.

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The Bread Also Rises, Chapter 1

It was the last ingredient he needed for his golden recipe to win the competition to become the royal baker. this competition was going to rise our character out of his life of squalor, and up into the ranks of the nobility. it was his golden ticket!

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Larceny Olympics (part 1)

"and how is this competition run?" she asks. next a series of slides showing thieves stealing various objects. "the competition is basically a scavenger hunt of things around the world of a high profile nature." "and i suppose this is done by gangs?"

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Bets with Foxes Suck

Foxpiper found desmond's choice in games enjoyable and accessible through the better part of an hour they played through an assortment and almost always competitively, with the outcomes never skewed too far in either fox's favor.

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The ground trembled beneath the fine cloven hooves of the reindeer as he walked along the pale green corridor. The glossed granite flooring did little to ease the reverberations that shook up through the lean male's legs, his toned bare ass and the...

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Gang War Finale

Each of them was hard enough to stuff the other down their dicks, but it just wasn't happening in that moment of low energy competition.

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The Portal Games: The First Vote

This is the part of the competition that i really don't enjoy, but at the same time, it is a competition, and there has to be a winner of some sort at the end." nobody in black chaos argued that.

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Pokemon Battle Kingdom Profiles

Again, competition is usually between species of similar physical size. tandem distance/volume: another variation on the above competition, but a partner must do the stimulation.

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