Damn Cold C

Waved to the neighbors who watched until we were inside - sorry, no quarrels this time. i tossed the pile in a basket along with my key...

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Our Human Masks, Chapter 3

Also, i was almost sure that he'd told me that unfinished quarrels ended up down there too. what did those look like? did they take physical form? and was there a guild of people around to complete them?

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The Rich and The Poor Part 3

I hated the thought of having our friendship ended before it began so we'll both keep up this fake rivalry for awhile and once when people get uninterested in our quarrels we'll come out as friends in public.

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#32 - Of Insanity And Inanity (Short Story)

Taxas decided to stick his nose in before the argument could escalate further; he got the distinct feeling that quarrels between his eminence and sir ferdinand could go on for hours, and this

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The Grand Escape

This wasn't the first time they quarrelled after the kidnapping, but they always managed to put the trouble aside, for the money brought them together. but now, it seemed that it wasn't enough...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 30

"i implore you to put away your quarrels! no matter how this began, we must forget it and go on living in harmony. my word is the will and the way of flame, for i have been chosen! look upon me and know, i am the new messenger of flame.

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Simba's New Release

The lion sat and watched in silence as the two played, nipping, rolling and barking as they quarreled for dominance. just as he stood to interrupt them simba noticed something about their wrestling, it was strangely erotic.

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Jason's Nightmare - Part 1

I have no quarrel with you, i don't care whether you're top dog or not, your status is none of my concern. i just want to get things done as soon as possible." raiki feel silent, jason's argument was reasonable and raiki's intentions weren't.

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A Change Of Heart CH2

He had a lock in the door, which luckily wasn't broken every time his parents quarreled. he unlocked it as usual, entering and quickly locking it up again.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 9

"gentlemen...your quarrel is and has always been with me...i would much prefer to keep it that way..." as he finished the trio stared blankly before erupting into outrageous laughter.

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The Outside World

She said to her son as she couldn't put off the request for assistance with dealing with the quarreling birds any longer. 'i swear. those three can't go a few months without quarreling about the most petty of things.

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Troubles with Tentacles

"we are in dangerous territory here and this is indeed no time to be quarreling. i need to have my ears open for any signs of danger, so no more shouting at each other.

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