Antisocial Paradise

Mina was quite striking in his trim, semi-formal dress coat and neatly tied bowtie. sitting down to dinner, i wondered if the drugs were still lingering in my system.

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Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 19

She was wearing a business suit of some kind, with a white shirt underneath an open black dress jacket, and she also had formal black pants on going down into formal dress shoes.

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Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 28.

Behind miranda's desk is a rack of clothes--five formal dresses, a couple of blue jeans, two women's business suits, and a red, velvet robe. crevecoeur looks through the clothes and takes one of the dresses from its hanger.

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Rayner's Way: Chapter 5 - Anxiety

Rayner had put on what were technically three-quarter black shorts but they had very few pockets so in his mind it was like formal dress.

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The First Penitatas - The Eye of the Storm

Where kayla had expected some steward or butler figure to announce them, there was only the briefest of glances from a formally dressed guard before his eyes turned forward again.

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Furry Dominance, Scaly Submission: Conclusion, Final Chapter

Now two hundred or so of them stood about one hundred fifty yards away from her, and she could clearly discern everything about them, the garish finery worn by the lupaoran nobles, the grandiose, formal dress of the other important personages, the lupaoran

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Shifter, Chapter 5: Testing

It was an odd scene, to be sure, the thoroughly normal setting of the kitchen occupied by two officious strangers in formal dress, and the normally steady eloa seeming to flash between anger and genuine panic.

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A Perfect Marriage - Chapter 3 (part 2 of 2)

I mostly specialize in formal dresses, but i can do just about anything you can think of. just let me come down there and get a closer look at the little angel."

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Aura Peril

As he left the podium, he was approached by a formally dressed persian. "i'm sure i'm aware of this 'business practice', but i don't mind as long as i get in on the action of this.

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Horsetits: A Tale of Excess - Main Story

A full length dressing mirror next to his extensive closet that victor must have used whenever he needed to see if his formal dress was aligned properly. she saw how her shirt stretched out, but how her shorts simply didn't.

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A Class Of Vintage Occult

A few minutes into the early evening there was a formally dressed gallade at a nearby table, donning a fine penguin suit, along with two human females.

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The female utahraptor didn't understand humans and their formal dressing habits, but she knew enough to know that when they were dressed as so, something important was happening. "is she your mate?"

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