Return to Constancy

One of the blades was split in half lengthwise and detached from it's hilt. the other had holes drilled in it. sunset grabbed lacyus's neck. "what the hell did you do to my gift?" "i'm modifying it. i'm putting in an mvs system."

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The Pact: Chapter 2

Suddenly, ivan felt as if he head was being split in half. he let out a cry of pain that was copied by his partner, a voice echoed in his head. "so, this is what she's given me to work with hm?" the voice said, sounding annoyed, "let's see here."

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Monsters Under the Bed

The ache in his sides telling him that the monster has been at it for too long, laughing so hard from the relentless onslaught it feels as if he'll split in half, which is exactly what happens to tony the tiger's face as his pajama shirt is ripped off his

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A Life-Changing Discovery

His member, already bigger them most as a horsecock, made her feel like she was being split in half as he thrusted his head.

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Highschool Crush

The class had been split in half, half of the boys on each side and half of the girls on each side. candace stretched her arms as a cute fox with blonde hair walked up to her. "umm, hi, how's it going?" she looked at him curiously.

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Siblings of Corruption - Prologue 3-3

Malefor's breath was split in half by the force and he was his in his chest and fell onto the dark gem below.

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The Pact: Chapter 2

Suddenly, ivan felt as if he head was being split in half. he let out a cry of pain that was copied by his partner, a voice echoed in his head. "so, this is what she's given me to work with hm?" the voice said, sounding annoyed, "let's see here."

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The Shadows Chronicles: Two - Loving Tears.

Her muzzle was mangled and chewed on, her tongue inside split in half by a long tear along it...

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When I Need You Most - (Chapter 1, Forgetting The Past)

My head felt like it was splitting in half. a tear trickled down my cheek, why was this happening to me? my eye sight started to blur. "hey, brian, let me." i heard one of his friends say. he ran towards me and kicked me straight in the rib cage.

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The Tent & The Change Series "Earth" - Part 3

My vision blurred and i heard a ringing in my ears as well as a very animal like howl, this was coming from me as i felt like i was splitting in half. a few minutes later i heard a small squealing sound and felt like i had shed 500 kilograms.

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Project Radikal Chp. 10 - Much Needed Vacation (Part 2)

My head jerking forwards as we impacted the water, watching as the airplane cracked and split in half down the middle, the air attendant screaming at the top of her lungs along with everyone else, as she looses grip and falls into the water, looking down at

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The Cries He Wanted To Hear

"no, but i saw pikachu and evryone's pokemon head to the top to-w...ow.." he couldnt speak any more as he held onto hsi sdies pain splitting in half, well thats what it felt like, ash hastily glanced out side, to the un trained eye itd look like an ordanairy

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