The Dragon and the Princeling
Has inbreeding really taken such a toll upon the royal line?" this made the prince glance down. a single look filled him with vertigo as nausea threatened to overtake him.
Slave in another world part 2
Even if i do get pregnant and have children, if they have children with me, won't the new young be messed up from inbreeding?" triton chuckled yet again and shook his head "no no my pet. you don't understand. but then i guess i can't expect you to know.
Serevokin Legacy
The death of the serevokin when our bodies break down from inbreeding? if rolkotarni wishes his cult to rule, it will bring about destruction._ the light-frames before sera vanished for a second as the ship contemplated his thoughts.
Earning Her Trust (Episode 2.5)
, she added, wishing that there was a way that she could marry and reproduce with duke that didn't involve incest or inbreeding. ramona often wondered what it might be like if she could get pregnant from duke.
Doe-Dragon's Innocence
She'd never learned that that could possibly be wrong and, considering how dragons were able to filter through the best of the genetics with their supernatural talent working away deep within their bodies at the point of conception, there was no issue of inbreeding
A Brooding Mood
Though most royalty comes from royalty, this leads to inbreeding eventually. we of house scalavare draw our mothers from the dregs of society. the destitute, the whores, and the harlots... those perceived worthless." she paused, face flushed suddenly.
The Fountain of Youth
It was a relatively common affliction among felines believed, wrongly, by many in the west to be the result of degenerate incest and inbreeding of the new world peoples.
A Taste of the Wild
I saw him mouth the word, even though his politically correct corporate inbreeding wouldn't let him finish the thought out loud. "human."
Chapter IX: Total Mobilization
In order to prevent inbreeding, there was a fifty-year arrangement by the temple of ruskebó which stipulated that coupling was arranged with males from glennenmór.
The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 4 - Pursuit
The inbreeding hadn't affected his wits, though. he was sly and cunning, and knew just when to say enough, never quite breaking pack laws and always avoiding direct confrontation with ice eyes.
Rogue Sword - Ch 3: Training Films
inbreeding and prolonged exposure had given most of the population marfan syndrome, a disease that manifested itself in stunted limbs, unusual tallness and spiderlike digits.
Culture Shock
inbreeding seemed to help devolve their minds. but neltharion knew he had to find other females. one female was not enough to build a strong flight. for now, it was all he had. nameria was all he had. though, he wished he had calia as well.