Some of them were 5 years old most were about 8 and the oldest one of them was 12.
1957, Abuse, Abused, Abusing, Adult, Adult_abuse, Adult_sub, Bear, Bobcat, Boy, Boycock, Boydick, Boydom, Boyfur, Boys, Brougham, Bull Terrier, Bullterrier, Cadillac, Cadillac_eldorado, Cadillac_eldorado_brougham, Cadillaceldoradobrougham, Caretakers, Cat, Child abuse, Childfur, Claws, Cock, Cub, Cub_abuse, Cubdom, Cubs, Dick, Dirt, Dommy_boys, Dommy_cubs, Dommy_kids, Dommykids, Dudes, Dusty, Eikel, Eldorado, Enlarging, Enorm, Extreme Size Difference, Extreme_sizedifference, Factory, Feet, Feetpaw, Feetpaws, Feline, Fennec, Fetishy, Fetisj, Foot, Foot Focus, Foot_wear, Footfocus, Footpaw, Fox, Gay, Giant_boy, Giant_boys, Giant_child, Giant_children, Giant_kid, Giant_kids, Giantboy, Giantboys, Giantchild, Giantchildren, Giantkid, Giantkids, Gigantic, Gigantisch, Grew, Groot, Grootst, Groter, Growth, Homoseksueel, Homosexual, Homosexueel, Jonge, Jongen, Jongens, Kidfur, Klein, Kleiner, Kleinst, Lad, Lads, Littleboys, Macro, Macrophilia, Male, Males, Man, Mannelijk, Mannen, Men, Micro, Microphilia, Mink, Minors, Misses, Missus, Musk, Musky, Outgrowing, Pad, Paw, Paw Focus, Pawfocus, Pawpad, Pawpads, Paws, Pawwear, Pedofiel, Pedofilie, Pedophilia, Penis, Poot, Pootje, Pootjes, Poten, Rat, Revenge, Revenge_plot, Ripped Clothing, Rodent, Shoes, Shrink, Shrinked, Shrinking, Shrunk, Shrunked, Shrunken_adult, Shrunken_adults, Shrunkenadult, Shrunkenadults, Size Difference, Sizedifference, Skunk, Small, Smaller, Smallest, Speck_sized, Specksized, Squishes, Stomps, Story, Teensy, Teeny, Terrier, Timmy, Torn, Torn Clothes, Trampled, Tramples, Trampling, Underaged, Underaged_macro, Underaged_macros, Underfoot, Underpaw, Verhaal, Verhaaltje, Voet, Voeten, Voetjes, Vulpide, Vulpine, Wees, Wezen, Writtenwordsontheinternet, Young, Zenobius, adults, caretaker, child, claw, crush, crushed, crushes, crushing, dirty, dude, dust, enlarge, enlarged, enormous, fetish, footpaws, footwear, grow, growing, guy, guys, jeeves, kevin, kid, little boys, manly, minor, miss, mister, orphan, orphanage, orphans, otto, pads, pedo, peter, poor, ripped clothes, shenanigans, shoe, shrunken, sole, soles, speck, squish, squished, squishing, stomp, stomped, stomping, tiny, toe, toes, torn clothing, trample, vulpid, words, written, Ölga