Soaring Emotions I: The Meeting

After taking a deep breath he pulled back the branches and to his delight saw the most beautiful creature of all time. he couldn't believe his eyes as he stood at the edge of the clearing and stared at his day dream come to life.

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Midnight Woman

"the most beautiful creature to ever grace our earth. i moved across the country to meet her. at first it was hard, the film company had bodyguards everywhere, but i was persistent. once i found where she lived, i rented an apartment across the street.

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The Love We Had

Purposely lingering over his pulse to find it racing under his touch; this alone excited him making him even more eager to take the beautiful creature before him.

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From Slave to Queen - Chapter 3 - True submission

Now, he smiles at this beautiful creature, her fur regained its shine and color, her wounds completely healed up thanks to the moonlight bath. he decided that it was time to take things a step further.

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They Come

The desert, a beautiful creature that is choosy in whom to exalt with gifts and liberal in punishments, not batting an eyelash to those that offend her.

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Cyn Part 3

"you said that i wasn't a monster, and that i am a beautiful creature. how can i be beautiful if everyone wants me dead?" "uh...

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A Surprising and Lustful Encounter

My second and third orgasms took hold of me, destroying any doubt that i could go back to fucking anything else in this world but this beautiful creature. nothing could bring me this much pleasure, nothing could be this good.

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Cat and..Fox?

Suddenly wondering why she had hated this beautiful creature, all thoughts of combat suddenly left the huntress's mind, and she saw the woman as another type of prey entirely.

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Partners Chapter 1 - Resolve

The sight of the beautiful creature has me breathless. i lift my arms to greet my new partner but, just as i do, he moves forward while staring up at mitz. i don't realize what's going on and end up falling onto my back.

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Salt and Sand

Doc, for his part, never took his intense stare from the beautiful creature in his arms. against the backdrop of the tropical jungle from whence he came, the collie could be seen rubbing his female's head and shoulders.

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Words apart together - 2

He knew he was now tied to this beautiful creature and wrapped his arms around it. he revelled in the feeling of shared bliss and kissed the fur by his face.

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Bunny Love: Chapter 2

They are some of the most beautiful creatures in existence. i treat my pokémon as if they were humans themselves. how about i get one of my friends to give you a tour? rose: wow, thanks! kyle: well, alright then! abby!

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